Tarot "Chart Cards"

Darth MI



In addition to the birth cards, personality and soul cards, and shadow cards, does tarot have cards representing month and hour of birth?

Quite truthfully, I don't know; but most of these attributes would be generated by numerology applied to the cards, not vice versa. As I have stated before in many threads - a lot of what we think of as 'attributes' of specific Tarot cards are merely things that someone 'globbed on' to the cards at a later date, and were not part of some 'universal consciousness' that created the Tarot complete and whole in one swell foop one grand day.

Does anyone know? Or have some info?

I think having two or three Life cards and a changeable Year card is more than enough info, IMHO; if I need more ~ there is always astrology, I Ching, etc, etc.


In addition to the birth cards, personality and soul cards, and shadow cards, does tarot have cards representing month and hour of birth?

Not hour, but decan attributions of minors covers a span of a few days... this might help for a more general outlook; http://anthonyteth.com/tarot-birthday-correspondences/

If so can anyone post the months and hours for specific cards?

12 months 12 astro sign trumps and astro signs relate to months; it's a simple correlation.

No to hours but if you want a more trad approach they could be cross referenced ( have you seen Crowley's 777? It is a type of cross reference table with tarot cards included, some of the columns link ) to 'spirits' and other things and these could be referenced to hour charts ... and hence linked back to tarot but I have never done it (as I cant see the reason for it) it is too much work to do for me ( without pay :laugh: ) to research and report on that.
Do they also have cards for years and seasons?
Crowley developed a calendar that counts years as 22 cycles within 22 and uses tarot cards:
“the Thelemic calendar uses a two-tiered system. The “upper” level gives a count of twenty-two year periods since 1904; the “lower” level gives the years since the start of the current twenty-two year period. Both are zero-based, with nonzero numbers being represented as upper and lower case Roman numerals, respectively. So, for example, the civil year 1996 is (after March 20) Thelemic year IViv, because 1904 + (4 x 22) + 4 equals 1996.

Some Thelemites assign the twenty-two years of each cycle to the twenty-two Trumps of the Tarot. The 22-year period numbers themselves are also assigned in this way. Hence, 1996 is doubly linked to Trump IV of the Tarot, the Emperor.” ( OTO US Grand Lodge)

How about cards representing specific traits like love and communication? For example Venus represent love and Mercury represents communication in modern Western astrology,

IMO those specific traits are best represented by position and cards placed on them help describe those traits. I use an adapted ‘Psychological Tree’ with astro/psychological positions that a reading can be laid on or a person’s natal astrology can be superimposed onto … but that is two different systems using the one layout … I am cautious about mixing tarot and astrology into one thing … but blend them as two aspects of one thing … I find without some limits it is like over-mixing colours when painting, too much just creates a brown sludge.
Chinese astrology have animals representing hour, day, and month of birth, numerology has a number for each hour of the day, and so forth.

In the mentioned systems, a single change in hour of birth can significantly alter readings (even a precise minute!). Does tarot have more advanced cards representing more specific things? If so, how would say an hour card change the whole tarot profile?

Also what are tarot card charts called? Western astrology calls it natal chart, Chinese calls it BaZi Pillars, and etc. If any interpretations exist for the deeper stuff, can anyone help me out? I will provide birth details by PM (or if someone posts time charts, what card goes in my own tarot chart).

Sorry, not following you here, it already seems ‘overmixed’ IMO. Why not use astrology for such detail and tarot for the others?

I don't think I am clear on what you are aiming at here. I can work out a psycho/astrological tree and lay a natal chart on to it and then a tarot reading but that is quiet a bit of work for me.


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