Tarot Dowsing

Quantum James


I have been using a pendulum to dowse my cards in spreads and was curious to hear if anyone has experimented with this?

As an example - I dowse the energetic quality of a card in a spread to see what exactly is going on with it. For instance with reversed cards I have been using the pendulum to discover what degree of reversal is present in the card's energy and indeed what sort of reversal it is. I will ask the pendulum: does this reversal indicate a delay, a diminishment of the cards energy, an exaggeration of the cards energy or the cards shadow quality?

I do this using yes/no elimination or a circular chart, with all the options listed if I have one handy. One can even get the percentile figure for the reversal as well as an exact time frame for delays – making for some really nuanced readings. One can also dowse the relationship between two cards in a spread – are they in harmony or at odds, if so in what way?

Another very useful way I have been using the pendulum in readings, is with court cards, asking if the card represents a personality aspect or an actual person if this is unclear – if the pendulum indicates a person then I suggest names of people I feel might fit (if I am reading for myself) until I get a yes.

The more I use the pendulum dowsing in readings the more excited I get! Plenty of room for creative pendulum whirling, and fun.


Hi Quantum James. I've never done that before, and it sounds like a very intriguing way to work - will definitely experiment, and thank you for posting about this!


Is anyone else using a pendulum in their readings and if so how?


I use them sometimes for clarification on a card or if my sitter has a yes/no question. I don't like to use tarot for those kinds of questions.



What a cool application!!! My daughter is the crystal and stone person here and has been talking about dowsing... I believe she does.

swimming in tarot

Thank you for that splendid idea. I must try it to see if it works for me, as I'm often wondering the same things, Quantum James.

Le Fanu

I went for a professional reading not long ago and the guy did what seemed like two readings. He read the cards, then took out a pendulum and had it swirling over the cards, one by one, while he concentrated, and then - as if he´d peeled away another layer to the reading - told me additional information...

Interesting to watch. And he was spot on.

Funny, with pendulum dowsing, there was a time when I had enormous success. It really worked for me and was fascinating to experiment. Then suddenly it stopped working for me. No idea why. I really must dig my pendulums out again and get back into it. When it works it really is quite thrilling!


I've often wondered about pendulums, is there a special technique to using them?
I did once try this and as I didn't want to influence the movement I kept my hand super still so you can guess what happened the pendulum did not move an inch!
Oh yes and I was in the room with a cynic who had just finnished feading Derren Brown who watched my arm like a hawk informing me my arm had shook when I thought the pendulum was moving on its own.
I am still curious :)


rosebud_a320 said:
I've often wondered about pendulums, is there a special technique to using them?
I have quite an opinionated chunk of rutilated quartz on a length of wool, so I tend to have to ask it to demonstrate a "yes-swing" and a "no-swing" before I start. It has half a dozen different swings it can do, and on any occasion any of them might mean yes or no. Once I've asked, it becomes completely consistent until I thank it and put it back in its bag. Apart from that, when I'm asking questions I hold it in whatever hand I please, but I rest the elbow of that arm on a firm surface such as a stable tabletop.

rosebud_a320 said:
I did once try this and as I didn't want to influence the movement I kept my hand super still so you can guess what happened the pendulum did not move an inch!
Oh yes and I was in the room with a cynic who had just finnished feading Derren Brown who watched my arm like a hawk informing me my arm had shook when I thought the pendulum was moving on its own.
I am still curious :)

Pendulums don't move by magic. They are a way of getting YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS mind to get in touch with the Collective Wisdom. Then, without any conscious input from you, your subconscious mind then moves your arm a tiny bit to create the swing necessary to make the pendulum move enough to understand an answer. If you can feel yourself moving your arm, however small the movement is, it's you. If you don't feel your arm moving, it's an answer.

Tell your observant friend that.