Tarot for Healing and Therapy

Healing Spirit


I'd love to exchange ideas/opinions with others who use the Tarot to facilitate healing in others.

I've just bought and am waiting for Tarot for the Healing Heart by Christine Jette which seems to be along those lines.

Love and Light



Hi Healing Spirit! and Welcome
I have no idea what you mean.Could you explain this a little?
Do you mean for instance like Reiki? You draw a card and send that spiritually, or am I barking up the wrong tree entirely?



There used to be a thread or a sub-forum for using Tarot in healing. I haven't looked at it in ages - probably a year or so. Just went looking for it to point you at is, and I couldn't find it anywhere.


There was indeed a subforum in Professional. It seems to have gone.

ETA The answer.

Personally I hate the idea. A psychological therapist - properly trained - using cards as an aid - fine. An untrained tarot reader as psychological therapist - dangerous. That forum was - as I recall - all about using reading as a way of providing psychological counselling and the like - and that needs to be done by someone qualified, IMHO.

PHYSICAL HEALING - as in reiki (and OK, sending waves of healing to someone depressed is OK in my book - as long as they get any professional help they need as well !) - that is something else - as long as one doesn't discount traditional medicine. I feel very strongly about this, having had a relative die as a direct result of ignoring conventional treatment, and someone on these boards from trusting to a specific alternative method - she might still be with us if she hadn't refused proper treatment.

I haven't read Jette. Please do report back.

Healing Spirit


I share your reservations about untrained counselors - I have a psychology background.

I also share your horror at some of what goes on in the alternative medicine world - we always positions ourselves as complementary practitioners and tell every client, and tell our students to tell their clients, that what we do should never be seen as a replacement for medication and conventional treatment.

If as a result of working with us, a client find that their doctor says that there is no more need for a particular medication, that's fine. But the doctor makes the decision.


Thanks for looking!


i'm thinking more along the lines of using Tarot to help pinpoint energetic blockages and the reasons for them.

I will indeed report on progress with both Jette and Amber Jayanti's book, "Living the Qabalistic Tarot."