Tarot for Yourself: Chapter 5 Court Cards


Hello there. Here is part 1 of my exercise for this chapter.

Chapter 5 part 1

For this exercise I choose the Queen of Wands.

1. I think she would be a tigress if she were an animal. If she were a plant I think she would be a perennial (always constant but changes throughout the year).

2. If she were a landscape I choose a lake in the mountains with lots of trees.

3. The depth of the water would depend on where you were at but the deepest depth would be around 50ft or so. The water would be clean but not crystal clear. The temperature would be cool.

4. Is she were a color I choose yellow orange that is bright and flickering.

5. If she were a shape I chose a hexagon (she has many different sides).

6. For music I chose the Four Seasons by Mozart.

7. She would be Swiss army knife.

8. Marilyn Monroe would be her historic figure. (I tried to pick someone else but she kept coming to mind).

9. I visualize her as a child that is hyper active. Possibly always looking for the next big thing to take her fancy.

10. I think she has a huge energy field but with lots of edges like what you might think a heart monitor looks like.

11. The energy between us is hesitant but definitely full of sparks.

She reminds me of a Gemini. lol


Court Card Sheet

I really really like the spreadsheet she gives for this exercise for all of the court cards. Im going to photocopy it and use it for my other decks too. I think it will be interesting to see the imagery and how they differ side by side.