Tarot meditation question


I'm kind of a newbie, and I've been wondering about using the tarot for meditation. Specifically, I've been feeling a lot of stress and anxiety lately, and was wondering which cards in particular might be good tools for meditation & easing some of my anxiety. I'm using my Hanson-Roberts deck lately. Any thoughts are welcome and appreciated!

Thank you very much for reading my post.


Temperance is likely the best one if you are feeling stress. It is about finding balance, about merging disparate elemts, about melding the old to create the new.


I second that Marion. As well as the meaning of the card, the Hanson-Roberts Temperance card has to be one of the loveliest I have seen!

I also love the Queen of Cups in that deck. She stares into that cup as if she is seeing mysteries in it :) I like the Page of Cups too, but perhaps he looks a little too startled to be good to meditate on :)

And I'm wondering which cards you feel drawn too or soothed by? It isn't always the obvious cards that are the only ones that work. If you find a card that calms your mind, then go for it!


Thank you, everyone. I will try Temperance, then perhaps the Queen of Cups if she doesn't do the trick. (I hadn't even thought of her!) I feel much of my anxiety and stress is fear-based. Perhaps Temperance can help me balance my perspective.

Love to you all.