Tarot of a Moon Garden - King of Cups


The King of Cups has a kind face with wide eyes. He looks like a man who has a sense of wonder. He looks spiritual and also like he is a good listener. He holds his cup gently in both hands as if he is very aware of its importance. He could be offering it to another. I would expect this man to be easy to talk to, a socially skilled person who is truly interested on other people and their well-being.

Because he is the King I see him manifesting these qualities in the outer life, through interactions with people in daily life, at work, not just his family and close friends. The ship in the background speaks of commerce, business. You know those people who use their social skills in their work lives? Coaches, teachers, promoters? It isn't that the card necessarily means those professions but that skill set, that attitude.

It can mean a specific person with these qualities but for me it more offen means these attitudes and skills are the ones that will be helpful in the situation. Specifically the card sometimes reminds me to cultivate connections with other people, to remember to check in with people, return favors.