Tarot of a Moon Garden-- Queen of Pentacles


The Queen of Pentacles wears a blue robe and wimple (like a nun's headress) as well as a star necklace and a golden crown.

She holds a glistening bubble with a pentacle on it. (In this deck the pentacles are supposed to be thought-bubbles in the process of being manifested in the physical world)

She sits on a throne that looks like it is made out of milky or opalescent glass. It is in the shape of a flying horse whose wings seem to enfold the Queen as she sits.

A waxing moon and a single star are in the sky and a butterfly flies near to the Queen's throne. A tree branche arches over her head and above that, just visible, is the Night Rainbow (although it could also be another tree branch :))

A white rabbit peeps out from the hem of the Queen's robe.

This card gives me the impression of someone who makes other people (and rabbits) feel safe. The way the wings of her throne enfold her, and her blue dress all seem images of safety. She is very gentle and cares about other people. She has great powers of manifestation (the glistening pentacle-bubble) and uses them to make other people feel nurtured and loved.

The book says that the energy of the Crone is found in this Queen which would explain the wimple. She has experienced enough of life to know what is important and has gone past vanity and selfishness. It is interesting to look at all four Queens in a row: Cups, Wands, Swords and then Pentacles.



This queen looks very loving and nurturing. The way she nurses the bubble (pentacle) in her lap and looks down at it. Also the way the rabbit peeps out from her hem as though it feels safe with the queen.

I like your idea of the night rainbow although I thought it was a branch.

I like the throne in this card also. The way the unicorns wings enfold her to keep her warm and safe. I think this is a very loving queen.

In the book, the moon-hare is the symbol of the goddess Ostara, she is referred as the goddess of fertility and springtime.


I also feel that the Queen of Pentacles in this deck is also very comfortable and confident with herself. They love their life and also can appear shy and cold hearted, but they are very warm, loving, and affectionate.

The Queen of Pentacles is an Earth sign, Virgo, Capricorn, and Taurus.