Tarot of Cat People Three of Swords


Swords represent the Ruby Kingdom, home of the Fire People. They are nervous, volatile, excitable, and aggressive. They can also be courageous and have great endurance, but are often unstable, as is their land.

Two figures face away from each other, at first glance appearing armed, ready, and dangerous, shoulder to shoulder for the fight. But on closer examination the only thing alert is the cat bench! The figures appear discouraged and almost nonchalant. One sword has dropped to the floor, the ones they had grasped and focused upright are now beginning to tip forward. They have lost heart.

From the LWB:
Two people formerly friendly are now at odds with one another. Outwardly civilized but with swords drawn, each too proud to admit his or her mistake, or to make a compromise.
Absence, Disappointment, Confusion, Disorder, Error, Opposition, Delay


The cat on the bench really look angry.
The two person have a dispute. But right now, they don't fight nor argue. They seems ready to make some peace but none of them is ready to make the first move. They are too proud to do it. And they seems to be sad about it. So they stay on guard against each other and back to back. They don't realized how the other feel.

Judith D

They are almost twins, these two - identically dressed and decorated. You can feel that they were close, and are now totally at odds. Their faces may not be showing emotion, but the cat feels and shows their mood. There is no indication of where they are - it is like they are in limbo, waiting for one of them to give in