Tarot of the Origins: Child of Jewels


Child of Jewels
The card shows a youngster, in my eyes a young girl singing from the bottom of her soul. She has her eyes closed, is transported away by the song, the melody.
Is there an adult playing a bone flute nearby?
She looks healthy and well cared for. Her reddish brown wavy hair stands in stark contrast to the large piece of paleo-bling that she is wearing around her neck. This bone necklace would fetch a nice prize on any craft show today.
On her it speaks of status, of honor, of a festive occasion – maybe her coming of age celebration.


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I love this picture. Her expression is particular, moves me. It's such an ecstatic joy of the present moment. Very inspiring. It reminds me in general of the joy young children experience when they do things; unless extremely influenced by adults around them, they aren't tied down to convention, expectation, insecurity. They just do.

This card makes me think of the joy of process & experience. The journey, maaaaan. You know. :laugh: