Tarot-Revelation.com rip-off report


Yikes!!! The comment section of the second link is particularly awful. A person emailed her that they were too broke for the "discount" reading, and that the woman was a fraud anyway, but her reply is scary. Coercion much?

Disgusting. Imagine the bad karma that this woman's earning. May all her toenails rot off.


Sounds gruesomely like someone SunChariot - I think it was - posted a thread about a while ago.... Vile.

ETA I just tried something. EVERY LAST ONE of those "personal links" goes to the same page - offering readings cheap (ha) with a pic of this DEAR little old lady....

How very odd })


Oh, Ugh. Yeah, I remember reading all about that.


Wow, this is bizarre!

The reason why I contact you again contact you again, it is simply
to make sure you truly understand that you maybe are letting pass
the chance of your life. And it's completely my fault if you are not
yet enjoying your new dream life. I feel a liitle bit sorry because
I know what you will be missing. My problem is that I can't positively
transform your life to the next level without minimal consents from
your part.

This is the most arrogant thing I ever read in my entire lifetime.
That, and Gaston's song in Disney's Beauty and the Beast movie.