tarot stores in minneapolis??


i am going to minneapolis soon and would like to know if anyone knows of a tarot or metaphysical store in the downtown area. i will be staying in a hotel close to downtown, and don't knwo the city, so if the store is downtown much better, thanks



I don't live in Minneapolis, but have a suggestion for you. You could do a yellow/white page search for metaphysical store and mapquest it from your hotel. Hope you find one nearby.




Tarot Shops in Minneapolis


I second the nomination for Magus Books, which is a great shop by any standard! I did a signing there once, and the owner was very friendly and worked hard to make the event a success.

Here's the website, where you can get the address and an idea of their inventory:


While it's not technically a metaphysical or Tarot shop, I'd also highly recommend the Amazon Bookstore. (They had the name Amazon long before Amazon.com became associated with book-buying, and had to fight to keep the rights to their own name!)

It's a femininist bookstore with lots of great women's studies, gender issues, and lesbian interest books ... and with many metaphysical titles as well. They're a vibrant shop with a friendly staff and welcoming space.

Their website is here:





thank you for your replies. I have no idea about getting around in minneapolis, so i hope to get a bus schedule or something. i will be staying at 40 N 10th st and going to a meeting in 30S 7th st??????????

wish me luck


Eye of Horus, at 2717 Lyndale Ave S, wouldn't be far from downtown. It's a cozy meta shop that at any one time probably offers 10 to 20 selected decks, art etc., plus a small gallery that shows local original art, usually in the meta/fantasy genre. You would more than likely meet Thraicie or Emily behind the counter there, and both of them are friendly and very knowledgeable.

Here's a link to their website where you can see a bit of their current exhibit:

Oh, and in the interests of full disclosure, I read there most every weekend.

Have fun, and try to get to a lake or two! Minneapolis is absolutely beautiful this time of year.


thanks and else

Thank you all for your ideas!
I onlyhave friday available to go and shop/look around. I am now staying at 30s 7th st, and apparently there is the light train two blocks from there??? I'll figure it out once i get there and find a map of the city and light train etc. what time are doing the readings?



Hi, Yaraluna! This weekend I'll be at the shop only on Saturday 1-5 and Sunday 3-5, so it looks like we won't cross paths this trip. But it's still a highly fun shop to visit.

But--I forgot to say before that there's another meta shop only about 1-1/4 miles from the one where I work. It's Present Moment, at 3546 Grand Ave S. They have quite a few decks, as I recall, plus loads of books on every meta subject imagineable, and tons of herbs and aromatherapy stuff, too. Plus they have a lot of the more interesting free papers and brochures from the area displayed, too. So if you get to one shop, you might want to check out the other, too. (But they're not on the light rail line.)

I hope you have a great time here. All the fruit trees and the tulips are blooming early this year, so enjoy!