Teaching Tarot?


So I've finally convinced my boyfriend to start reading Tarot. I bought him a copy of the Thoth deck (it's the one he wanted) and let him borrow my copy of Duquett's Understanding the Thoth (sorry if I misspelled his name, and I know that's not the exact title).

He's a very mental person, and doesn't think that he'd ever be able to read via intuition.

I'm finding it kind of hard to help him because I read 80% intuition and 20% book meanings.

Anyone have suggestions? Maybe I should do a reading about it :)


Everyone reads differantly. There's no question about it. But the majoity of the readers out there started useing standard book meanings and build their intuition up eventually.

My advice is to take him through the Major Arcana first, and have him use simple 1-3 card readings. Teach him the meanings and even some of the symbology behind the cards and after a while, when you think he's ready, shuffle just the major arcana and kind of use them as flash cards.


I'd suggest just letting him find his own way. Have him join AT and he'll learn in the very best "school" there is.


Solitaire* said:
I'd suggest just letting him find his own way. Have him join AT and he'll learn in the very best "school" there is.

That works too


Solitaire* said:
I'd suggest just letting him find his own way. Have him join AT and he'll learn in the very best "school" there is.

i agree, im very new to tarot and ive learned so much more on here than a book could teach me. Also everyone elses takes on readings and the cards are really helpful theyre the foundations for helping me build my intuition up.


Solitaire* said:
I'd suggest just letting him find his own way.

I think this is the best advice.

I think learning to read tarot is about a lot of personal things: personal developing, responsability, developing your own intuition, just to name what cames to my mind.

I think is very good that you want to help him and I think that you are probably proud about him and thats why you are sharing this with us, but let him discover by himself this journey, he will probably go to you first to ask for help anyways.



Thanks for the advise everyone! I think I really need to step back a bit and let him learn on his own, it's hard though because I am so excited that he's interested now. I'll keep your advise in my mind, maybe that'll help motivate me.