Temperance followed by Tower


Thought I would open up a discussion about this combination as I had not seen one on the search.

The first two cards of a reading I did were Temperance followed by the Tower.

This is what I thought of the combination...

There is me, in a trying situation at present, trying to keep it all together, running smoothly, enough work, rest and play, in the right combinations, near enough mechanical in my attempt to bring about 'my plan', but it seems to be working....and then

wham...it's all going to get smashed to smithereens, and my illusions about the situation I think I am bringing about are going to be shattered.


An external event coming to disturb the harmony and comfort of your life.


Somethings are not meant to mix, certain combinations are dangerous and blow up in your face... like mixing bleach and ammonia. Never ever do that.


Thought I would open up a discussion about this combination as I had not seen one on the search.

The first two cards of a reading I did were Temperance followed by the Tower.

This is what I thought of the combination...

There is me, in a trying situation at present, trying to keep it all together, running smoothly, enough work, rest and play, in the right combinations, near enough mechanical in my attempt to bring about 'my plan', but it seems to be working....and then

wham...it's all going to get smashed to smithereens, and my illusions about the situation I think I am bringing about are going to be shattered.

your temperance will be suddenly changed by a major challenge with 360 degree and
nothing will ever be the same.


Thought I would open up a discussion about this combination as I had not seen one on the search.

The first two cards of a reading I did were Temperance followed by the Tower.

This is what I thought of the combination...

There is me, in a trying situation at present, trying to keep it all together, running smoothly, enough work, rest and play, in the right combinations, near enough mechanical in my attempt to bring about 'my plan', but it seems to be working....and then

wham...it's all going to get smashed to smithereens, and my illusions about the situation I think I am bringing about are going to be shattered.

This combination does not have to be a negative one. Actually I feel more like it is a positive transition because you lead off with the Temperance card. I do think that Tower will shake things up a bit, but more in the respect of having to do things that are outside your comfort zone. The Tower here is action, the end of complacency, especially if you've found yourself in a rut in some way related to your personal or business relationships. You may not even realize how or why or even that you are in a rut until the events of the Tower work themselves out and you look back on what was before and realize that things needed to change in order for you to move forward.


Somethings are not meant to mix, certain combinations are dangerous and blow up in your face... like mixing bleach and ammonia. Never ever do that.

I like this, lol.


Thanks you everyone for your replies.


Thought I would open up a discussion about this combination as I had not seen one on the search.

The first two cards of a reading I did were Temperance followed by the Tower.

This is what I thought of the combination...

There is me, in a trying situation at present, trying to keep it all together, running smoothly, enough work, rest and play, in the right combinations, near enough mechanical in my attempt to bring about 'my plan', but it seems to be working....and then

wham...it's all going to get smashed to smithereens, and my illusions about the situation I think I am bringing about are going to be shattered.

To me, it asks the querent to be careful how they proceed. To stop and think of the consequences before acting, to try to keep things balanced. Because things are a bit delicate at the moment and a wrong move could cause a sudden and permanent change in the situation.
