The 9 of cups as advice.


How would you intepret the 9 of cups as an advice about whether you should stop pursuing a goal or continue to pursue it. I'm confused the number nine ias about ending and completition but the card looks positive so i'm not sure if the message is to stop or to continue pursuing the goal.


Continue to pursue it. Be clear about it though. Emotional wishes have a way of not being clear.


I see the 9 of cups as being about getting what you think you want, not necessarily what is best for you. Sort of the "instant gratification" card, which might not be what you are after in the long run. So i would think that the card is suggesting that you examine the goal in question. Is it your true heart's desire, or just a passing fancy? Your answer to this question will tell you whether or not it is a goal worth pursuing.


Hmmm.... I can't think of this card without anticipation being my first impression... sort of a passive thing, waiting for what you want to happen. So for your question of to persue or not to... something this passive doen't sound like persuit, but waiting.


ANTICIPATION~~!!!!! Wonderful Wonderful description- waleswoman! I have been using the work INTENTION, with this card but this is the word I needed to describe my experince in readings with it.


WalesWoman said:
Hmmm.... I can't think of this card without anticipation being my first impression... sort of a passive thing, waiting for what you want to happen. So for your question of to persue or not to... something this passive doen't sound like persuit, but waiting.

What you say sounds right. Also I have been getting the Queen of wands a lot on different ocasions when reading on this same question.