The Archers Spread

Little Owl

I have never made any spreads of my own yet, so this is the first.
You can perhaps let me know your thoughts on it , and if it is okay.

It a 5 card spread laid out in a straight line cards 1, 2 and 3 , card 4 and 5 go either side like the shape of an arrow. Or anyway you like really./

4 5

Card 1 - TARGET- Where am I aiming, what is my desires, where am I going.
card 2 - ARROW - What can help my aim, achieve my desires, support me
Card 3 - OBSTACLES - Hidden aspects, what can affects my aim, hidden influences
Card 4 - STANCE - Approach to take, What can help guide me
CARD 5 - BULLSEYE- Your center, Future outcome, advice


Nice spread - I have something I will use it for. Thank you.

Forgive me but when I first read it I imagined something on this which brought up a whole raft of possibilities! ;)


Hi LIttle Owl,

Nice spread!

Aeclectic strips out extra spaces in posts, so if you want your spread to look like an arrow, you'll need to use some symbol as a spacer, like:

4 5

Were you going for the tail end of the arrow or the pointed end? You could achieve the pointed end this way:



Little Owl

Thanks for your comments. It is good to see what others think.
Oh! I see how the spacing works now, thats cool.
I am glad that it is okay.


I like this spread. I never really thought of an arrow as pertaining to tarot, but this is really cool, it really strikes deep. Nice job. :>

Little Owl

Thanks, now that I have done one I keep thinking of loads in my head LOL. I shall try and post a few of them soon.
Glad it is of use.


WingspreadPhoenix said:
I like this spread. I never really thought of an arrow as pertaining to tarot, but this is really cool, it really strikes deep. Nice job. :>
Just wanted to say here, that in one of my decks, arrows are used instead of swords :) Anyway, thanks for this spread little owl, am going to go try it out right now!