The Book of The Law Study Group 3.20


Verse 20 - Resh - Atu XIX The Sun.

This is verse 165 in the book as a whole. 165 is NEMO, the Master of the Temple. One who has passed beyond Da'ath to Binah.

165 + Resh(200) = 365. Abrasax, the divine androgyne symbolic of the HGA.

There's a bit of a joke in this verse as it marks the final occurance of the word, because, in Liber AL. He really is not there again. :laugh:

We encountered "Because" back in chapter II. There he was identified with the intellect and reason. I find this quite striking in relation to Nemo and Abrasax. The first symbolises the 8=3 attainment, and the transcedance of the intellect. The latter symbolises the 5=6 attainment where the intellect finally opens up Neshamah, and thereby voluntarily recognises that it is not the top dog anymore. The stele, as a pictorial summation of Thelema, represents these attainments.

Always Wondering

I don't know much about the grades. But I recently found myself up against my first big why since studying Chapter Two. I have to say, for-warned is for-armed. I was able to maintain a certain level of detachment.

From a more generalized place I read your thoughts on the advancement from 5=6 to 8=3 I got the sense of that spiraling of attainment. It is rather encouraging.




W - Vav - Ra-Hoor-Khuit

H - Heh - Nuit

Y - Yod - Hadit

Always Wondering

Simply beautiful. This will be helpful next time I try to complicate things.