The cards hit the nail on the head today


I had asked my mom to take me to a bookstore after an appointment I had to day, she told me this morning that I could either go today as planned or wait until the weekend. I didn't know what to do so I did an impromtu spread I came up with to weigh the pros and cons of going today and going on the weekend, in the "cons for going today" position the two of pentacles- which to me was saying "your plan you have come up with and balanced out will be changed!" (I try to read by saying what the cards seem to say to me as well as what I learn in books) Well, that's what happened today, I was just about to draw a clarifying card to see what the cards said I should do when my mom called saying my Grandma's sick and she has to cancelled my appointments (I don't have a driver liscence and have a fear of learning to drive) and we couldn't go to the bookstore! I just wanted to share this story with you and see if you ever had a simmilar experiences :)


I think that most humorous experience this way was while I was taking a week long management course. The course centred around sections from famous novels (I recall a scene from Moby Dick as one), a different one being used each morning. At that time I used five cards for my daily. I quite quickly realized each evening that the cards had very accurately portrayed the scene from the novel each day during the week as we used them. By Friday it was getting quite amusing!


It's amazing how acurate the cards can be, even my mom was shocked when I told her. The good news is my grandma is starting to feel better, which is good. :)

Astraea Aurora

When the cards come to life the magic starts happening.

I've had some quite amazing experiences with the cards and I like that jingling feeling a lot. So sit back and enjoy. :love:


Beleieve me I do enjoy reading, and only once did I ever feel creeped out by a reading, it was Easter Sunday and weird stuff began happening wine glasses were flying out of the cuppord, we hearing voices (I thought my mom had told me thank you for doing something for her, when she didn't), and a clothes hanger came flying out at me when I went to get my tarot books. Now, we know that our house haunted, in fact a medium had told my mom there's a vortex in our basement.

Now I figure that a Tarot reading might shed some light on it, so I do a yes/no spread to see if the spirits are active and what was causing them to cause trouble. During the reading, I had an uneasy feeling, I don't know if it was because the ghosts or it was just my nervousness of doing a read on such a subject, but it was eerie.


Oh my gosh Keldor did you ever figure out what they were bothered by?? That is creepy.. lol..

and a Vortex in your basement??? Whooaahhh.. does that mean that spirits come in and out of your house at will whenever they please??

Id probably have to move.. lol.. :neutral:


In fact we did, there were two ghost's active one, all that I was able to find out was that he wasn't a Christian (a friend of mine of had suggested that when I told her that my mom said when the preist from our church had come to bless the house weird stuff began happening, and the Tarot confirmed that) my theory is either whoever he or she was either died on Easter or it felt that it was mad because it wouldn't get to Heaven because of it not being Christian (I hope that didn't offend anyone, that was not my intent). The other ghost I was able to get more info on, my brother's girlfriend sister had a sister who died in a car crash and we had invited my brother's girlfriends family to have Easter Dinner with us and she was upset because of that, but with time she would get use to it.

The vortex is just that a portal that ghosts come in and out of, but normally the ghost are just playful and don't hurt anyone (one year the ghost hid the Christmas stokings and took a video game from my room, which he returned this past easter, just after I told my mom about the lost game).

Here's the icing on the cake not only is my house haunted, it's also cursed (I'm serious), I don't know the exact details, but there was suspodedly and argument between my grandfather and the seller, and the seller cursed the land.

So there you have my house is a hotbed for the paranormal.


Sorry, but the thread should stay around a tarot-related reading that worked well and not diverge too far into ghost tales. :)


sorry about didn't mean to go off topic :)