The Chariot and attraction


If the Chariot appeared as someone's most attractive quality, what would your interps be. I am thinking it could the that they're a bit of a go getter, or someone who's fairly well balanced or even a bit "driven". It could of course be just the fact they drive a car :D


Someone who is control of their emotions and actions. The strong silent type.



Sassyjackal said:
Someone who is control of their emotions and actions. The strong silent type.
Maybe not so silent. It's common to think that the Chariot's control of emotions and actions mean that one becomes Mr. Spock. But you'll notice that strong/silent types like Mr. Spock don't move. Their philosophy is to let things come to them.

That's not the Chariot's philosophy, which is to move, move, move and get to its goal fast as it can, come hell or high water. So, the Chariot doesn't shut down emotions so much as it controls when and how much of them to release. It's like manipulating horses, right? If you need to dodge around allies, you keep tight control on the horses (your emotions). You don't shut off your emotions (stop the horses), because then you won't get where you're going. Too little control, however, and you may crash into your friends. Now you've gotten past your friends and you face that open stretch of enemies you need to mow down. At this point, you can loosen the reins, give a primal scream, and let emotions show (full speed ahead!). You don't stay "silent." You say, "I love you!" in a way that has opponents leaping out of the way, knowing they can't stop you.

The Chariot is powered by raw emotions and powerful motivations, all very evident if quickly and intuitively directed. That is part of what makes a Chariot so attractive: that they don't hide their emotions or determination to have what they want.


adisguise said:
If the Chariot appeared as someone's most attractive quality, what would your interps be. I am thinking it could the that they're a bit of a go getter, or someone who's fairly well balanced or even a bit "driven". It could of course be just the fact they drive a car :D
Depends what your chariot (and charioteer) look like.

The RWS Charioteer is imposing and a bit forbidding.

The Decameron Chariot is all about sexual availability.

The Visconti Chariot is about religion and a triumphal return.

Granny Jones' Chariot is about exploration.

All of these things can be appealing in a person, depending on your tastes. All Chariots are different. What deck are you looking at?


nisaba said:
Depends what your chariot (and charioteer) look like.

The RWS Charioteer is imposing and a bit forbidding.

The Decameron Chariot is all about sexual availability.

The Visconti Chariot is about religion and a triumphal return.

Granny Jones' Chariot is about exploration.

All of these things can be appealing in a person, depending on your tastes. All Chariots are different. What deck are you looking at?

Eee Hee! I had the Gnomes out and that Chariot is pulled by two galloping bunnies, the charioteer is cracking his whip, and there is a huge black stormcloud right on his tail.
So "as someone's most attractive quality", they crack your whip, and make you think about babies. In other words, here comes trouble!


adisguise said:
If the Chariot appeared as someone's most attractive quality, what would your interps be. I am thinking it could the that they're a bit of a go getter, or someone who's fairly well balanced or even a bit "driven". It could of course be just the fact they drive a car :D

To me...they aren't a quitter. They don't give up, even when the going gets tough, until the succeed. To me the Chariot says that if the querent hangs in there and is persistent and does not give up, they will achieve a victory. So someone with those qualities would be someone persistent, patient, not give up until they succeed.



Apologies for not returning to this thread earlier.

Nisaba, the deck I used was the Radiant RWS. It doesn't look quite as fearsome as the standard RWS deck ;)

The querent was a woman, so I am thinking that he could see her almost as having quite a lot of male energy?


adisguise said:
The querent was a woman, so I am thinking that he could see her almost as having quite a lot of male energy?
I dunno. When I think of soccer moms, determinedly driving their vans of kids around and don't you dare get in their way...I don't associate that with male energy. Active as it is, it's very female.

And the Chariot is, in the RW system, ruled by Cancer, the ultimate "mom" card. Moms can have the fiercest, most "don't-even-try-to-stop-me!" energy in the universe. :D