The Devil clarified by 2 of wands


What does the Devil clarified by 2 of wands mean for what someone feels about you?

Are they feeling trapped by the person or feel chained to them (the devil) and are at a crossroads, conflicted (2 of wands)?


Are they passionately obsessed with someone to the point where they want to own them (the devil), and since wands represent passion, 2 of wands clarifies their passion for them?

or something else?

Insights are greatly appreciated. Thank you!


The Devil is Ayin, the Eye and Capricorn, contrasted with 2 of Wands, Dominion - Mars in Aries.

It seems like the person may actually be at war with their own ego in an attempt to control it and present a better side of themselves. On all sides there's aggression and a desire to move quickly, harshly, to impress you. Yet some part of them knows it's not the right thing to do and they need to get a handle on their feelings to see the better approaches to take. Fire and Earth are friendly elements, but if things get out of control: scorched earth.


The Devil is Ayin, the Eye and Capricorn, contrasted with 2 of Wands, Dominion - Mars in Aries.

It seems like the person may actually be at war with their own ego in an attempt to control it and present a better side of themselves. On all sides there's aggression and a desire to move quickly, harshly, to impress you. Yet some part of them knows it's not the right thing to do and they need to get a handle on their feelings to see the better approaches to take. Fire and Earth are friendly elements, but if things get out of control: scorched earth.

Thanks for sharing your insight, Aeric.

That makes sense, since the person in question has a hard time expressing their feelings because of the relationship in business going on.

Forgot to say that it was the Devil and the 2 of wands side by side, with 2 of wands after the Devil.


I see two possible interpretations.

1) An obsession (the devil) has reached a crossroads (the two)
2) He is very tempted by you and is undecided what to about it, he might do something about it or may not.


I see two possible interpretations.

1) An obsession (the devil) has reached a crossroads (the two)
2) He is very tempted by you and is undecided what to about it, he might do something about it or may not.

Thanks for your insight, werewolfmoon!

I agree. The Devil almost always has to do with something sexual or lust related. The two of wands kind of confuses me though. It either represents that he's at a crossroads or he's really passionate about something and wants more.

I'm guessing they're either obsessed and want more, yearning to connect with someone to a deeper level.


They're really tempted (sexually) by someone, and don't know what to do about it (2 of wands).


The two of wands kind of confuses me though. It either represents that he's at a crossroads or he's really passionate about something and wants more.

I see the Two as being at a crossroads, in the Witches Tarot, the man on the card is holding two wands, both are identical, he can go either way as both is equally desirable. In the Tarot of the Old Path, the card depicts a man on stilts (no idea why) he can go as far as he likes on both of them as they are both equally useful.


I see the Two as being at a crossroads, in the Witches Tarot, the man on the card is holding two wands, both are identical, he can go either way as both is equally desirable. In the Tarot of the Old Path, the card depicts a man on stilts (no idea why) he can go as far as he likes on both of them as they are both equally useful.

It can be that, or maybe it has to do with personal power.

I also see the 2 of wands as representing personal power, it's named "Dominion" in the Thoth deck, and since it's next to the Devil, which almost always means sexual/lust and obsession or addiction, it might mean that the person is obsessed with someone, but they're questioning their sexual desires because they're risking their personal power.

That would explain the situation perfectly then, since it's supposed to be a business relationship. The person may feel that their sexual desires and obsession might risk their reputation/job.