The Fool - Personal Discussion


I was just on a site were it was discussing when you felt the energy of the cards. When it came to the fool it said feeling no fear and innoncene. One time i vividly remeber feeling no fear was when i was 8 years old.
We were coming back from holiday in Gran Canaria with my family. This being the second time i had ever been on a plane, the first time when we went on holiday. Half way home we struck really bad turbulence. Totally unaware of the danger we were in I laughed at ever bump and the hysteria of the grown ups. I sat with my big cousin. She was in tears while the lights flickered and people screamed. At one point I remeber the flight attendants were asked to take their seats.
Nowadays however i am terrified of flying. Not through my own personal experiences but from films like Final Destination and Alive.
This whole statement leads me to believe that maybe the Fool isn't enlightened, but ignorant like I was. I don't know. I don't really like that idea but i feel it's something to be discussed.
Does anybody have any similar stories like the that of the Fools?


What makes the presence of fear "enlightened"-- fearlessness is enlightened.

I believe, the fool is only ignorant in the sense that he is not aware of the value of the fearleness he has in his possession...until he comes back to it over and over again and it helps him along his journey. Each time he is aware of his innate qualitlies he is displaying "enlightenment".

"once a man twice a child" comes to mind. We end as we begin.

You state that your fears come from watching movies and not from anything actual, you are also aware of others fears of flying and you respond by taking that on. Which is more ingnorant, to move forward with one's own natural fearlessness or to live through the experinces and ideas of others. To me the fool is indeed enlightened.