the hermit and 9 of wands as timing


OK so I know everyone has a different interpretation of wands, pentacles and all of that meaning different time intervals (i.e. days, months etc) I keep getting the hermit and the 9 of wands for when something will come to fruition. I do associate wands with months. I have been getting these cards since last month so I don't think it's because it's september???? Any thoughts on what 9 of wands or the hermit could mean as in timing?


OK so I know everyone has a different interpretation of wands, pentacles and all of that meaning different time intervals (i.e. days, months etc) I keep getting the hermit and the 9 of wands for when something will come to fruition. I do associate wands with months. I have been getting these cards since last month so I don't think it's because it's september???? Any thoughts on what 9 of wands or the hermit could mean as in timing?

Hermit = Virgo which is now, 9 of wands = Sagittarius which'll start up in November, so I'd definitely say sometime in the fall.. perhaps in this reading wands = weeks and it falls between Virgo and Sag?


That makes sense. Where can i find out what each card corresponds to?


That makes sense. Where can i find out what each card corresponds to?

Tarot and Astrology by Corrine Kenner is brilliant! I got it off of


OK so I know everyone has a different interpretation of wands, pentacles and all of that meaning different time intervals (i.e. days, months etc) I keep getting the hermit and the 9 of wands for when something will come to fruition. I do associate wands with months. I have been getting these cards since last month so I don't think it's because it's september???? Any thoughts on what 9 of wands or the hermit could mean as in timing?

I may be the only person who reads this way. But the 9's refer back to The Hermit anyway for me. So that really stresses the message.

For me, a Major coming up at all says that the thing you are waiting for is not ready to happen. The energy is there but something is holding it back from happening. Something related to the meaning for the card. The Hermit, means that you (or someone else in relation to the question) is not yet ready inside for it to happen. That you/they need to take some time out and think things over first. Something in your/their attitude needs a readjust before things are ready to happen.

The 9 or Wands, wow, long time frame. It says that as things stand now (if the person doesn't take the time out that is needed to rethink things).....9 years. Long time frame. Of course doing that work change that time frame completely.



Oh you are definitely right with that interpretation except i associate wands with months its fire able to spread decently fast. Usually indicates a shorter time period something that doesnt last as long. I believe years should be kept out of readings bc too many factors are changing constantly for a card to be accurate over that long of a time period


To me, it just seems like you're almost there. Both the cards are 9's (almost at the end of the cycle), and they keep showing up, so I guess it'll happen soon.

But if you are still uncertain, there is another method you can use. Just take the cards, and lay them out by day, week, or month. So you could have seven cards to indicate each day of the week, or twelve cards to indicate each month in a year. But of course this should still correspond with your question. Or else I guess it would be pretty vague?