The Hierophant + Two of Pentacles = was he honest with me?


Hello everyone,

I recently did a reading about a guy I'm having some kind of a long distance relationship with and who turned out to have cheated on me. When I asked him if he was seeing someone else at the moment and that he could have been honest about that, he said that he had sex once with another girl but nothing more. My instinct is whispering me not to trust him (I also "sensed" that he was cheating on me before he actually told me) and deep down in me I have the feeling that he cheated on me repeatedly and that he is still seeing someone.

In order to have a better picture of the situation I drew 2 cards to understand whether he has been really honest with me. The two cards were the Hierophant and the 2 of Pentacles. I find this combination a bit tricky to interpret. Maybe I'm wrong, but I see the Hierophant as a card that shows structure, a high degree of belief systems and conventionalism and the 2 of Pentacles as a free spirit, someone who has fun and who can juggle multiple situations at the same time.
Would it be wrong to think that he tried to "compromise" by saying that he had only a 1-time affair, while in reality there has been more? I have the feeling that he does not want to tell me all the truth because he doesn't want to worsen the situation between us even more.

How would you interpret these two cards? I'm really curious to know your thoughts about this! :) Thank you in advance


Hierophant may point out that he is married. The heirophant oversees weddings and traditional rites of passage, christenings etc. I believe you are correct about the two- he could be skilfully juggling two "lives" . It's just my view and I could be way out xx


Hallo Rachx, thank you for your interpretation. I am sure that he is not married - at least I'm sure about one thing ;-) I'm happy to know that you my interpretation is similar to yours. Anyone has other ideas? Thanks.


I've often seen The Hierophant to mean that things are going to carry on as they are unless something is done to change things. The tradition has been set, things may need to change but they aren't doing. The Hierophant is also often the 'blessings in disguise' card for me. 5s show difficult times but times that we look back on and realise that we've learned a lot from them and they've helped us to learn and move on - that may be more of a message for you than an actual answer to the question you asked about him

For him, I'd say that the 2 of Pentacles shows someone who is juggling 2 aspects of their life so maybe he's juggling his relationship with you with something else that's also taking up his time - work perhaps or maybe he's juggling 2 relationships.

I hope it works out as you want it to..


Hi Sulis,
thank you for your feedback. I'm not sure I understood your interpretation you think I should take the Hierophant as an invitation to take action in this situation (e.g. not writing / seeing him again) and to keep away from people with this kind of energy from now on?


Hi Spaz,

Well that's a completely different question, you haven't asked for advice, you've asked whether he's being honest. There's nothing in those 2 cards that say he's not being honest but you also asked a question that needed a yes or no answer and since there are no yes or no cards in the deck (tarot likes to describe situations), the answers you get to questions like that will always be a bit confusing.

My advice is to sit down and think about what you really want to know then ask an open question:
'What do I need to know about...............?'
'Tell me about .......'

If you want advice about what to do in a situation ask for advice about a situation and consider using spreads with positional meanings so that you know what each card is describing.

I hope that helps.


Thank you Sulis, this certainly helps!