The Star as a place/ continent?


Hello AT'ers.
a quick post from work at lunch break.
*moderators please feel free to move it or modify this post as/if needed.*

I had posted before about a reading asking which continent the person would live in 5 or 10 years.
as i have mentioned in another post in another area of the forums, this is the first time someone asks that and i don't' think there is a clear way for the cards to answer such questions. However, I did quick draws/spreads (3 cards) with the Jodo-Camoin marseilles majors only and noticed that the STAR was always the first or second card to come up.
the Star made me have a sense of water place, possible Asia (island) but also Europe. This person already lives in an island in the Northamerican continent, so perhaps, i thought, the star signified this fact in the quick trial reading.

Has any of you ever had this card come up in a question like this, or what cards (if not the star) signify a continent or such a general place to move to/live in.
HOpe this makes sense as i am in a bit of hurry getting back to work.
thank you for your feedback.



In purely astrological terms the Star relates to countries falling under the influence of Aquarius. The big three of these are Brazil, Russia and believe it or not, Saudi Arabia.


Thank you Aladdin
Have you ever had this type of questions before and what cards have shown for you to answer such question? The Star showed up several times and i saw it as an indicator of water, but could not read more into it. The querent lives in an island in the USA already so i wonder if it refer to that as well.
Your observation about the astrological aspect of the card certainly illuminates somewhat this post. I sensed an 'astro' related relationship when the star showed up over and over with the other cards, but couldnt' pinpoint what the feeling was. now it makes a bit more sense with your comment. ALthough, I didn't see SA in the picture but more Asia or Europe. furhtermore, the card in the first quick reading gave me a sense of USA where she (the querent) is right now.



And I'm thinking somewhere away from cities, where there is no light-pollution at night to spoil the view of the stars, ie, a rural setting. I'm also thinking somewhere that has astro-telescopes (in Australia, my first guesses would be places like Mt Stronlo and Tidbinbilla, both of them awesome places).

Perhaps they need to "aim for the stars".

Perhaps they need to "hope" that they'll find the perfect destination later on.


NIsaba! thank you for sharing! That imagery and feeling was one of the first things that came up for me when i drew the card! I 'saw' a place small and country like or not in a city or largely developed country or city.



<smile> You're very welcome.