the tower is going to crumble like ryvita

Haunted Wood

Hey all. So, last week I did a monthly reading for september with a card for each far my predictions have been surprisingly spot on. I think I'm getting better at trusting that first thought that pops into my head. Hmm does anyone else feel they can get more out of a monthly reading than daily readings?

Anyway, for next week I pulled The Magician, and for the fourth week of this month I got everyone's favourite card - The Tower. Eep. I'm wondering if the magician is my friend that I haven't seen or heard from in ages. I often see him as represented by the magician or the knight of wands...oddly enough the knight of wands turned up on the bottom of the deck. I don't always take note of the card on the bottom of the deck, but in this case it seemed to say 'Yep, communication from him'. It would be good if it is, I've been wondering lately where he's disappeared to. Intrigued I asked when I would hear from him, began shuffling and the five of wands and tower jumped out at me...I just sort of felt this was my answer. I wasn't expecting a date, more an answer of 'when this happens you will hear from him' etc. But when I looked at the cards a thought instantly popped into my head - 'Five days from now'. Wands are fast, the tower is fast. I looked on the calendar...the 16th. And then looked at the tower - card 16. I don't know whether to trust this or not, I suppose I'll have to wait until the 16th and see if I hear from him. I don't really expect to, I think I will be creeped out if I do.

I'm more worried about that tower for the fourth week of this month. Are bad things a-coming or not so much bad, but very surprising?

It's kind of interesting, the first two weeks of this month I pulled minor arcana cards, and the last two weeks of the month are majors. Even more interesting is that my birthday is coming up on the 21st (21 on the 21st!), and I just recently worked out my year cards...turns out I'm moving into a death year and have been in a hanged man year since last september (if I calculate from birthday to birthday) which most certainly fits. So big changes a-coming for me on all fronts I guess. That death card has been showing up in readings and on the bottom of the deck for a few months now.

And Mr Magician is following me it would seem - with my birthday coming up I did a spread for the coming year. For 'Influences that will be coming into your life in the near future', I got The Magician. I wonder if near future is as near as next week. Thoughts anyone on what that magician means?


Magician:Your mind, creative thoughts,desires.
Tower : sudden changes,


I've had the Tower mean my self-esteem landing face down in the dirt. You do see the two people being tossed head down toward the ground in most Tower cards. I've also had it mean a sudden move---sometimes connected with the self-esteem in the dirt. That's what it's meant in the last year for me.

I think the Tower means a sudden shock/surprise coming from left field that you couldn't have foreseen. Of course, you get the Tower card as a warning, but with no clue as to what the shock will be.


Hi grapefruitmoon,

I also prefer to do weekly readings to daily ones. For me, daily draws don't seem to allow enough time for matters to unfold. I also think it's important to remember that in daily, weekly and monthly readings, cards can often have more watered down meanings. Most of the time our lives are pretty mundane and don't reflect the extreme drama potentially contained in a card such as the Tower.

Anyway, back to your cards. I think your thoughts about the Magician representing your friend are very interesting. Over time, we develop these personal associations - for me, the Magician often represents my husband. The combination of five days and the number 16 is also very intriguing. I'd be interested to hear if you do get any contact from your friend on the 16th. Don't be freaked out either way - you question of "when" was entirely dependent on the Magician representing your friend, which it may not do.

The Magician could simply mean that next week you will find it easy to make things happen or that you will feel particularly confident, creative or active (able to leap tall buildings in a single bound)! It could also mean that you find yourself the centre of attention, or in a position of influence.

With the Tower following the Magician, it could indicate that the week after, your new-found confidence and ability is going to take a severe blow. You could choose to see this as a kind of warning and maybe not let yourself get too carried away in the Magician week so you won't have as far to fall in the Tower week. On the other hand, the cards may not be related at all and the Tower could just indicate that you're going to face some disruption and chaos. I remember the last time the Tower appeared for me in a weekly reading. We were having a few things done and most of that week my house (which is also where I work) looked like a bomb had hit it, nothing was where it should be, everything was up in the air, and I felt very uncomfortable and displaced by it all.

These are just suggestions though. The cards have so many possible meanings that predicting events ahead of time can turn into a guessing game (unless given a specific subject or situation). I often find them more useful to reflect on in hindsight, to highlight patterns or events that might otherwise have escaped my attention.