Thelemic Eras and Tarot.

Always Wondering

Thanks, that is interesting and thoughtful.

So we are in the Era of the Emperor, the year of The Aeon, that's a good focus for me. Though the comming Era of The Heirophant seems very intriquing.

Happy New Year. The trees around here are swelling pregnant and about to burst new life again. A little early this year but I enjoyed the timming today.



I think it's pretty cool how Crowley died in the final year of the era of the Magus.

If you open your copy of The Book of Thoth you will see it was published in Anno Ixviii. That's year 18 of the Era of the Magus. 18 is Atu XVIII The Moon - Qoph. In the A.'.A.'. training system divination was assigned to the path of Qoph.