Thinking of going PRO via Emails


I have been thinking of this for some time and life's changes are now making me take this idea to the next level
How would i go about this? Any advice would be appreciated!


I think most people do it through a website or a blog. Some choose those sites like Keen and (used to be) Kasamba but I didn't care for those myself and I don't see the sense in paying such a high percentage of my price to somebody else.

I've done online readings as well as face-to-face readings and I honestly like face-to-face readings the best. Granted, face-to-face readings are scary at first but I soon got over that.

If I had to choose from the possibilities for online readings, I'd choose live chat or phone readings.

Whatever gives you the closest thing to personal contact is what I'd choose.


You could offer email and Skype (or a similar thing) readings. Skype readings are becoming more and more popular.

I think a blog is a good way to start. And you can also share your tarot knowledge and experiences, which attracts people.

Tarot Dame, Alec Satin and other readers have a blog and offer readings through it.


I have my website and a monthly newsletter. And some business cards too. And of course word of mouth...Works for me. :grin:

I also have a digital camera and a special e-mail that lets me create my own stationeries. PM me if you want more info on that as I don't want to be accused of advertising here for them. :grin:

When I pull the cards, I photograph them, then put them into the computer, photo edit them and then make a stationary with the photos. To me I personally would want to see the cards that came up in a reading for me, so I always send them to the querent so they too can see them.

Of course I have PayPal on my web site. So people pay me before I do the reading. After that is done it takes them to a page where they write me and send me the question. I get both notes at the same time (the PayPal one and their note) and then I write them back, refine the question as needed, do the reading and e-mail it back.
