thoth deck - getting right size


Just wondering if anyone can help me. I'm considering buying the thoth deck, but don't want to end up with the one with cards the size of postcards (that's how one place described them anyway), looking on amazon they don't give this info... can anyone advise?

Joanna x

Rusty Neon

For card study, the large size is awesome.

However, the regular size cards are not to be scorned. Though the smaller details are less clearly visible, the regular size lets one focus on the larger details (the proverbial forest, rather than the proverbial trees) and on the colours. I also like that, physically, the regular cards feel less flimsy than the larger cards. It's fun to lay out all the cards randomly on a surface (harder to do with the large size cards, unless you want to do so on your sundeck) and enjoy the colour and design differences between the cards, a unique feature of the Thoth deck.


thanks for the help guys! :)


i have both.. if you are going to study the Thoth, the larger ones are great! and even then I used a magnifying glass.... and i very often do the readings with them..

the normal size are good for travel and i use them also .. but, if I had to choose one, i would have picked the larger ones.. they are awesome to study... and allowed me to really get intimate with each card .. and that extra carries over to my other decks that I use (secondary to Thoth) such as ToD and the Ancient Egyptian