Time? Days Weeks Months


How can you tell what time table that the cards have? Is there a book that I can get to understand this in amy way I would be glad to t find one, Thanks Jaysgirl47


Hi Jaysgirl

There are spreads in the spreads index for timing... What I tend to do since it is really hard to get dates time etc from the tarot is basically pinpoint it by happenings. For instance X might happen when Y has taken place...

There are some threads on timing as many use:
Ace thru 10 = 1-10 days, weeks, months (depending on card of course)
Page = 11 days, weeks, months
Knight = 12 days, weeks, months
Queen and King = Unknown time--it's up to you

Cups = days
Wands = weeks
Pentacles = Months
Swords = Undetermined--it's up to you (because you're working it out in your mind)

Combining the numbers and the suits tells the story. IE the 8 of Wands means it will be eight weeks until the new project will start (alternatively my idea is that if this isn't about a new project, then a new project started will give you an idea of the timing you are looking for). 2 pens = tow mos until the money comes in), 4 cups shows it will take 4 days until you get the letter. 9 swords indicates an undetermined amount of time until your mind is made up. In cases where the timing can't be determined, it's because too many factors are present to indicate accurate timing. The message when this happens: I will take more time for the angels to get things lined up.

The above, many books differ (hehe kind of like dream interpretation)...


The Ancestral Path Tarot has, in it's book (not the LWB, I mean the larger book for the deck) has a date assigned to each card. Some stand for solstices and major nature dates, but most cover a week's time. She designed the deck to do that, so I'm not sure if you can apply the breakdown to any other deck and have it work.

Al Si'ra

What about majors guys?? I mean what if emperor shows up will we consider it as a month (4 weeks) or 4 days..since emperor seems to be a slow guy-a rock solid guy- i assume that it cannot be like as quick as 4 days?? or do we only pull one card for a time-frame? i usually do 3 card readings whatever the situation is..time-readings are complicated...


Dolphin_Dreamer said:
Combining the numbers and the suits tells the story. IE the 8 of Wands means it will be eight weeks until the new project will start (alternatively my idea is that if this isn't about a new project, then a new project started will give you an idea of the timing you are looking for). 2 pens = tow mos until the money comes in), 4 cups shows it will take 4 days until you get the letter. 9 swords indicates an undetermined amount of time until your mind is made up. In cases where the timing can't be determined, it's because too many factors are present to indicate accurate timing.

Did you get that from a book? It sounds very familiar...