Time frame spread


I was wondering whether it is possible to pull a spread which can indicate whether something might happen in a certain time frame?

Yes, I know all the bits about not being set in stone and we are still in charge of our fate etc. I write them in every Free reading with the TABI :D

Thanks in advance


Hi Arcane :)

I think it is possible - but that periodically comes up for discussion in the forums.

With regard to a spread, have you checked the Tarot Spreads Index? Click on the link (underlined) to go straight to it. The index is also located at the top of the list when in the Tarot Spreads forum. The time spreads are toward the last page of the index.

If you don't find something there, come back here and say so...usually someone comes along and provides one. There are alot of great spread creators here!

Welcome to AT and good luck in your search!
