Timing of events


I would like to post a view about how to identify the timing of events. I have read other posts on timing and would like to share an additional method in this forum.

Generally the presence of the Hanged Man, the Moon, the Hermit or a large number of reversed cards suggest worldly events unfolding at a slow pace as the focus is very much on spiritual concerns, inner development and personal unfoldment. The Wheel of Fortune, the Chariot or a majority of Wands (upright) usually indicates speed and energy – outer events tumble over one another, new people, new directions.

The method involves the Twos, Threes and Fours of the Minor Arcana suit. Each card represents a particular month, as shown in the table below:

Season/Suit Two Three Four
Spring/Swords March April May
Summer/Wands June July August
Autumn/Cups September October November
Winter/Pentacles December January February

After ‘cleansing’ the deck, shuffle the whole deck, keeping all cards upright, whilst meditating on your question. Cut the deck into 3 portions, and place the last portion on top of the first one and the middle portion on top of that.

Turn up the cards from the top of the deck, one after another. Count off thirteen cards and stop counting when you reach any of the cards mentioned above – Twos, Threes or Fours. The first of these cards that you reach will be the answer eg: Two of Wands would refer to the month of June.

Since seasons are reversed in the Southern Hemisphere eg: winter in the UK and summer in Australia in January, the seasonal correspondences for the suits are to be referred to first and then the corresponding months depending upon the location of the country.

Eg: Two of Wands would correspond with the season – Summer – in either the Northern (NH) or Southern Hemisphere (SH). The month would be June in NH and December in SH.

I found this method quite interesting and would welcome any feedback from members of the forum!

Kind regards



Clarification of the months

I noted that the table didn't reflect the months properly so I am posting this as a clarification:





