to reverse or not to reverse...that is the question


Hi all,

just had a thought, I drew the ace of swords reversed in a tarot reading and I have read conflicting reviews about this card. one text states the ace of swords is the birth of new troubles or conflicts (when upright) and the end of troubles or resolution (when reversed). other texts state that the ace of swords is actually a clear way of thought and a new start (away from troubles ) when upright, and the birth of a fresh outlook. more texts ive read seem to indicate this card as a positive outcome when upright rather than the negative...what do people think?



Kaylee Marie

Hi Brian, welcome to AT!

I usually view Aces as positive when upright, including the Ace of Swords. I see it as clear thought and vision. I hadn't heard the "birth of new troubles" interpretation, but can certainly see where it's coming from.

That said, I don't believe there is a right and wrong interpretation. It all depends on the question, the spread, and the surrounding cards. I'd refrain from always calling it either positive or negative. It really depends on the situation and how you see it each time (which may very well change!). I'll keep the birth of new troubles interpretation in mind for future readings with this card, but not throw out my old interpretation.

Sorry if my wishy-washy answer didn't help. :D I'm just opposed to the one TRUE meaning theory as it applies to all cards.

Blessings be,
Kaylee Marie



I completely agree with Kaylee. It's all about what you "feel" that card represents for you. In my deck(rider waite) swords represent obstacles that "can be" overcome depending on the surrounding cards. Be Blessed Kat


magus~777 said:
Hi all,

one text states the ace of swords is the birth of new troubles or conflicts (when upright) and the end of troubles or resolution (when reversed).

You didn't say what book you were using for the discription above - but it almost sounds like the author of that text is using a Swords = Fire relationship as opposed to Swords = Air which is more prevalent.

(There is on going discussion about Swords = Air/Wands = Fire vs. Swords = Fire/Wands = Air relationship.)

magus~777 said:
other texts state that the ace of swords is actually a clear way of thought and a new start (away from troubles ) when upright, and the birth of a fresh outlook. more texts ive read seem to indicate this card as a positive outcome when upright rather than the negative...what do people think?

When I read Aces I tend to think of them as "new beginnings". In the case of the Ace of Swords that could be coming up with a new idea, thinking 'outside the box', a new mental challenge (like starting classes on a new topic), or some other mental activity and influenced by the surrounding cards.

When reversed, again depending on the cards, the Ace of Swords can be anything from being 'stuck' in a mental rut, narrow views on a topic, trouble getting started with a new project/task (as in finding the 'right place' to being), etc..

I hope this helps a little.



I once read, I think in a book by Rachel Pollack, that when you come upon a reversal (assuming you read reversals) and decide it means a blockage of some sort going on within you, you can make a spiritual decision to confront the issue within yourself and symbolically represent that inner change by physically turning the card right side up. It's a symbolic gesture to accept the message of the card and to take action to change the situation it speaks about. If the Ace of Swords means new beginnings, new ideas, new mental projects, etc. and there is a blockage, perhaps you can throw caution to the wind, so to speak, and turn that Ace around, and accept the new challenge the Ace represents. Just my 2 cents. Peace and blessings...............Michael



when i first started reading i included reversed cards, although it never felt right to me so soon after i stopped and have not used them again,
I am not saying there is anything wrong with using reversals but it wasn't for me. I believe that every card has a positive and negative feeling to it, i just go with the energy that comes to me and of course take into account the surrounding cards. I don't think a card needs to be literally reversed in order to have an "opposite" effect in the reading.


I think that an Ace in a spread is a positive card no matter what way up it is.
Aces are the start of something new or a new opportunity. They also represent the potential to complete something.

Many folk see the suit of Swords as a very negative suit representing conflict and pain. I don't see it like that. To me the suit of Swords represents the mind, communication, truth and justice.
A sword is double edged though: the mind, the spoken and the written word can hurt as well as inform - hence the conflict aspect of the suit.

Reversals to me mean that the card's energies are there but they may be delayed, diminished or diminishing, underutilized, internalized or blocked so a reversed ace would still have a positive meaning.
Every now and then I see a reversed card as the opposite of it's upright meaning but the other cards in the spread would tell me that.
I've read the Ace of Swords as meaning scattered or unclear thoughts before.


Sulis xx



thats awesome guys,and thank you so much Kaylee...i didnt think your answer was wishy-washy by the way. I tend to agree that there is no one true meaning for each card as in a scientific formula (its not an actuarial report after all). and my first instinct would be that the ace of swords upright is a birth of great clarity of thought rahter than a negative situation. I suppose the picture on the thoth deck ace of swords looks like a great "divine hand" cutting through the ice storm, and is somewhat reminiscent of the dawn of a crystalline sunny winters day, when the sun reflects off the ice of a snow fall.... it looks clear and positive to me, and makes me think of things like in psychotherapy, having a breakthrough with ones own issues, and discovering core beliefs that no longer serve us. although in the reading i did I actually took the reversed card to indicate birth -conception of my nephew [another meat and potatoes traditional meaning].

