Today's reading experience


Furnacechant said:
You know, for some reason the last week or so, though I haven't felt like handling the cards themselves at all, I've been getting visions of Mikle and of Nelys the Alchemist very clearly in my mind's eye at odd random moments...I wonder if these two have got something to say to me. They seem an unlikely pair in a way...

This was what I posted earlier, and, so as not to clutter the other thread with a lot of thoughts unrelated to it, I've started a new one. Someone suggested I pull these two cards specifically and see what they said to me, which I did do. In retrospect, I'm thinking it maybe was Nelys for getting things unstuck and moving, and Mikle to remind me it should be fun and not scary. Anyway, I had to look at all the cards to find theirs, and it struck me maybe that was kind of the point..."Yes, it is. Not enough though. Now shuffle the other cards and pull some out. 7 is a good number!" While I was doing that, Unity kept falling out, and I, like a dense human, kept putting it back, only to unexpectedly find it in actually my hand after the last time. I've never found this a very attractive card, for one thing it always looked to me like a roughly severed phallus with bloodied veins still attached( If I tried to think nice things I could make the veins be deer antlers, but didn't see what that was to the purpose), and moreover, though I'll probably get flamed to a crisp for this, I've never thought that "we are all one" thing was really so enlightened a concept as it purports to be( obviously I do believe in some kind of interconnectedness of seemingly unrelated things, or I'd not be bothering with tarot and oracle cards, but some people do get carried away with it). "Look AGAIN!! It doesn't mean what you think it does!". So I looked. And this time, first I noticed a central figure, which could almost be two figures with one standing behind the other, and then that there were actually two other tiny figures below that and two more above, and then many other figures, at least two in each branch, and that, finally, even the individual brush strokes of the artist could be seen as each representing seperate entities. "See? It doesn't mean everyone's got to be the same, all pursuing the same goals---they're not! But they're still connected to each other. Think about the name Unity---UN-IT-Y. You can't UNIFY just one thing (mental image of a single round blob of glue-paste), you have to have other things to stick together and make them part of something larger---but they're still themselves, too."

Then, perhaps to further illustrate this, my attention was caught by the Laume', only not by HER, but by the androgynous old person she's sitting on, who seemed to keep laughing at me until I realized that s/he, too, was actually made up of about four or five other faces.

Some of the other cards had small messages for me about things in my daily life, too, but I found this very interesting---I've had occasional conversations with my personal guides before, but this was the first time I've really used this deck in that way, as a means of opening a dialog and even kind of bringing in additional help so to speak.


Furnacechant thank you so much for sharing this. I really love your perceptions and experiences with Unity. I hope you do not mind that I cut and paste the part of your post relating to Unity and put them in the Unity thread. Your connection with this Singer is what Singers are all about and the type of lessons they teach.

Based on your experience, I think you are really going to love this deck, and no question that you are already connected to the faeries. I really look forward to reading more of your posts.

By the way, I doubt anyone in this study group will flame you for anything you say ... don't think we have any fire breathing dragons yet ~giggles~.


No objection here! :) I thought about posting in that thread to start with, but I wasn't sure about all the unrelated other stuff in it.


Furnacechant said:
No objection here! :) I thought about posting in that thread to start with, but I wasn't sure about all the unrelated other stuff in it.
We are talking faeries here ~giggles~ ... they hate structure!!!!


Well, here I am posting in this thread again with another reading I've done, which again I started to post in a thread about one card, and realized it meanders all over about a bunch of other ones. So here we go with a cut-and-paste from where I started. Let me also mention that, as soon as I started to cut the deck, my zero card came out and I took that as a sign to set him off to the side to sort of keep an eye on the proceedings.

sagitarian said:
I believe the oak men are protectors of the land of the fae, and you see inside them what you feel inside yourself. Only when you face yourself and are comfortable and accepting of who you truly are will they permit you to go further into the land of fae.

Hmm...This is beginning to give me an inkling of what the fae were trying to tell me last night, maybe. Considering the other cards that came up alongside the Oak Men, Sylvanius with his mask and The Glanconer reversed...I have a real fear of the Glanconer and what he represents( if it gives you an idea, I left him out of the 'most disliked fairy' exercise because I didn't dare acknowledge him in any way, and just been grateful he rarely actually turns up in readings), of being misled by what I want to see( the moreso since the Maiden also came up reversed right next to him---but does she mean I'm too childlike or not enough?), yet I found myself suddenly drawn to the sentence in the book that mentions that when reversed he may be saying *I* may not be being honest enough, specifically perhaps by saying things aren't important to me that really are very important---which is precisely what that fear of the Glanconer usually leads me to do!

Taken all in all, it sounds like I've got to face something in myself that I'm not only uncomfortable about, but not even sure what it is or if I'll be facing the right thing.
And it is apparently going to be a frustratingly slow process for someone as anxious and impatient as I am, since for helpers I have drawn Myk The Myomancer, Geeooo The Sloow, and the Oak Men. At least they are all very, very good at being patient...

In addition, others that showed up were Tobaira of the Waters and Oengus Journeyman ( interesting because he looks a lot like the Tarot Fool, who has been also turning up for me a lot, alongside/crossed by the High Priestess, who doesn't look THAT much like Tobaira but suddenly as I'm typing this I want to equate them for some reason---water & intuition?), and finally and strangely, the Laume'. She turns up in almost every reading ever since I bought the deck, usually reversed, and I'm sure she will continue to do so until I figure out exactly why she does...


what did your spread look like. You mentioned a lot of cards but it would be helpful to know that the spread looked like and who went where.


I tend to just lay them out kind of in unstructured rows while thinking of questions related to the situation at hand. I believe I laid out the first three as Tobaira, then the Glanconer and Maiden( both reversed), the Journeyman kind of on impulse to look at the bottom card of the deck, then asked what I should do about the situation and got Myk, Geeeooow and The Oak Men. After that, one more card on impulse and that was the Laume.


So what cards went with what questions ...