Travel/Vacation Spread Request


I will be driving across the country with my boyfriend for a couple weeks, stopping to camp at various places. We'll be driving in the car with each other for a total of 50 hours. I would like some insight on what to keep in mind for our relationship, how our relationship might grow on this trip and also regarding how each of us might grow individually from this experience.

I am having a hard time thinking of a spread. I would like to use about 5-7 cards. Any suggestions are welcome!



Ok, It's been a while so I finally came up with a spread that worked very well for travelling with your significant other. It's even more fun if you do the spread with your s/o to give feedback. It uses 7 cards.


1. The nature of the situation/Trip
2. What partner A needs to keep in mind on the trip
3. What partner B needs to keep in mind on the trip
4. How A might grow from the experience
5. How B might grow from the experience
6. How A & B might grow together
7. Overall outcome of the trip/experience

I tried it out with my boyfriend and it was awesome. A very clear spread. Feel free to try it and/or modify it and let us know how it worked in the 'Your Readings' forum. Thanks!



I did create a spread after my round the world trip, which worked in hindsight. (Just wish I had come up with it before

1/2 - necessary preparations to make for the trip

3 = the pre-conceived notion of what the holiday will be like

4/5 = issues to be given particular attention to, warnings

6/7 = what can be learned from the people met, or environment encountered

8/9 = what we can offer to those we meet

10 = how the trip can be viewed overall

11 = how the experience benefits us in the long term

12 = how the experience affects us negatively in the long term

Hope this helps



great spreads

I will be using one before I take my next trip :) Thanks for sharing