Trying a spread.


I recieved this spread from here:

from Binds_fading.

I am using gilded tarot, no reversals.

Web of Connection Spread


1. Why did you meet? - queen of swords
It's about finding truth and understanding from my past actions and developing a philosophy which would help me through life.

2. What were/are you suppose to learn from the relationship? - ace of swords
Learning to distinguish what is real and what is not... I think this relationship has taught me a couple of lessons and truthful ones...since it is the Ace, i think it is only the beginning of becoming wiser. It is also about communication, learning the importance of communication.

3. Why are you connected to them? -knight of wands
I'm not surprised with this card. It describes him well. Courageous, passionate and purposeful.

4. What did/do you gain from being connected to them? -two of cups
romantic ties. someone who i was able to trust, share and confide things with.

5. What will you loose if you remove the connection? - knight of cups
The romance and the shared feelings and moments we had together.

6. General Advice/outcome - chariot
I really don't understand this one.... Does it mean it will make me stronger? oh...perhaps it is the general direct my energies towards what i want.


I like your interp; you realy do not need any help here, so just a few comments.
Queen of sw: you met regarding something intellectual, of the mind.
Ace SW: supposed to learn a New Idea. Yes, a new way of Seeing. The sword clears the way for a bright new truth.
Kn wands: you were meant to take this "journey", to be a fellow traveler on the path.
Gained: 2 cups: someone you found this in common with.
Lose: kn cups: the opportunity for emotion to enter the picture, lose the opportunity for emotions and feelings to "arrive".
gen advice: chariot: focus on getting the 2 sides of yourself to agree here - focus on staying on the path and do not allow yourself to get distracted. Put on those blinders and proceed forward. Do not allow the ace to get lost. Put it into practice.


thanks for the comments.

I was abit stuck on the makes sense. :)