Two of Swords representing "action".


Let's say you're doing a straightforward, one-card reading. The question is regarding a choice. You can either do X, or you can either do Y. There is no middle-ground whatsoever, and there are only two options.

You produce the Two of Swords. Well, this is odd. Normally, the answer seems rather straightforward whenever you ask questions regarding a choice. But now you're basically receiving a card that is only representative of the present conundrum you're in. Why did this suddenly happen now?

I suppose the logical explanation is that you're presenting a false dichotomy. Maybe this isn't an either/or scenario. Maybe there's a continuum of choices, a hierarchy of options, and the Two of Swords is underscoring that you're asking the wrong question. Maybe the answer lies elsewhere, and the Two of Swords is a terse reminder that your suggested behaviors are not useful for the situation. But the problem is, I've been receiving this card whenever I'm asking a question that definitely has two options. Or at least, it certainly appears that way.

For example: "Should I share negative details about my personal life with somebody, or should I only communicate the positive for now?" Would the advice then become, "Block any emotion whatsoever, regardless of their positivity or negativity, and just stick with the facts"?

Or: "Should I discuss Problem X with my professor, or discuss Problem Y with my professor (regarding a research paper)?" Would the advice be, "Don't discuss any problems with your professor regarding this paper. Keep it to yourself."?

The list goes on. Indeed, I am confused. And I understand that the easier resolution is to perform a more detailed "choice" spread, where you outline the energies of both options. But for the sake of discussion, how would you interpret the Two of Swords in a scenario like this?


In my view 2xS means basically that you KNOW which way to go . Your mind has given you the logical reasons to go ahead with the obvious choice but your heart interrupts and makes you hang back. It means the issue is probably just a logical matter but you are somehow turning it into an emotional based one and that's why you are stuck. I believe the card has positive outcome if you make a decision based on what is sensible or what ultimately benefits you. If you falter and listen to your heart because of one reason you stay in same undecided mode for far too long and run the risk of not achieving what you want or causing unnecessary delay in the matters surrounding it. In the end your heart comes up with different reasons which may even end up as arguments against itself -confusion, stagnation, stuck in the mud. Does that make sense? I hope it helps.


2 Swords I think would be to think it over a bit more, there is something you aren't seeing yet other wise you wouldn't be hesitating and vacillating. I think you probably do know which course of action to take, but don't want to see it because it makes you vulnerable. Since the RWS version is at night, maybe you just need to sleep on it and see what you think in the morning after you've had time to weigh all the pros and cons of your choices.


By asking the question as a Should I do X or Should I do Y, you are giving over your own control in the situation to a throw of cards. Better, I think, to ask what the ramifications of doing X or of doing Y might be, and make your choice based upon those energies that show up.

Also, taking into consideration the more "negative" side to the Two of Swords, there is the warning that if you don't make the decision, a strong possibility exists that it will be made for you from the outside.


I get this card sometimes to mean "There is no easy answer" - so I believe your assessment(s) are correct. And I take it to mean that you could probably do a little of both things perhaps. It suggests (to me) that your answer lies in a "grey" area. You could perhaps share both negative and positive things with the person, in your example.