Using no spread...


I wasn't sure if this should go in the using forum or the spread forum but I chose here. I was wondering if there were people that find spreads limiting? For me spreads just put the energies in boxes and sometimes I find that the boxes don't fit. ( I can use the celtic cross as a frame but things sometimes change in it.) Most of the time I just throw out a few cards and see what they say to me. I'm not one of those people that are very intuitive so I can't really just read with toothpicks or anything but spreads just don't agree with me. Anyone else?


Depending on the situation, I'll use a spread and find it works great. Other times, I'll draw a few cards and just read what they say, no spread. It really does depend though; sometimes a spread just doesn't fit, while other times the situation really calls for a spread.


I kind of feel the same way about spreads, as if they force everything into a neat little box, and sometimes, the cards do not want to be put into a box. So, if theres a spread that seems perfect for the question, ill use it. if not, i just throw a few cards down.


Personally, I am a very structured person so I love spreads! More often than not, in my professional readings, I will design a spread specific to my client's question. I find that this helps create a very targeted reading and gets to the heart of the matter.

That said, I have tried a technique whereby you draw one card, interpret it, then let that card guide the next card. So, for example, you draw the Page of Wands first - a new journey for growth and development. For the next card, you ask the Tarot about this new journey, and you draw the Star card. So now you know it is a spiritual journey. You might then ask what the key lesson from the journey will be and draw the next card, and so on. I quite like this technique as well.


I really don't like to use spreads either, I'm fine just drawing a few cards on a question and going with it. For me, as long as I have a structured question (something specific in mind) then the layout of the cards doesn't need to be structured.

I think spreads and the celtic cross in particular are just very limiting and confusing for beginners. They are already trying to learn with books and "boxed" meanings for the cards and then putting those boxed meanings into an even bigger boxed gets messy really quickly. When I was just starting out I think the celtic cross was almost damaging to my skills lol as it was so discouraging. I've since evolved and have that key intuition, so now I can read any spread but I just don't care to.

I use them on my site when I read for clients because I think people who don't know Tarot are more comfortable with that and it makes Tarot readings easier to market. But I, the reader, would just as soon pull randomly and give them the message!

strings of life

starlightexp said:
I'm not one of those people that are very intuitive so I can't really just read with toothpicks or anything but spreads just don't agree with me. Anyone else?
I feel like your intuition is in full force when there are no positions. You are completely relaying on how you see the cards, and how you feel they should be read together!


Sometimes I do. Sometimes I don't.

But, I prefer to not use them. I typically use 2 - 3 card spreads for my daily draws. Busy, busy.

I like the ability to read the cards free form and see how they form a story and message with one another. I'll take into account what is being depicted in the cards (as well as symbolism), the suits (for basic elemental dignities) and, when I get to a level where I am confident with numerology, I'll include that too.

The message is in the cards. If I need clarification, I'll pull more. Positions not needed :).


I rarely use spreads

Puppet Master

I just use a mix of spreads and no spreads depends on the subject/question and things like that.


I love to play around with different spreads to see what works and what doesn't and lately I have been doing that for my morning draws. But for my clients I do tend to use a spread also and I too will pull more cards if there's a need for clarification.


tarotlaura said:
I love to play around with different spreads to see what works and what doesn't and lately I have been doing that for my morning draws. But for my clients I do tend to use a spread also and I too will pull more cards if there's a need for clarification.
Yes-yes, a spread isn't set in stone (except ceremonial ones, like the Golden Dawn Spread or the Celtic Cross). A spread gives you a picture. You need more detail, you refocus the camera, and fire off another card or two. Spreads are as flexible as intuition is.