Voices of the Saints?


Howdy, all!

A couple days ago I saw this beautiful deck on this very website. It was the Voices of the Saints (I think it was called?) deck. I don't know much about saints and that, having been raised Jewish, myself, but the thought really intrigued me. Maybe that would make the readings that much more intuitive! If I don't anything about the figures represented on the cards, I'm going to have to go by instinct alone (which is kinda my thing, so that excites me). Anywho...
Now I can't find these cards. Maybe I'm just looking in the wrong place?
Does anybody else have this deck? How do you like it? How do you use it? Is it comparable to the more traditional style of tarot deck, or does it more resemble oracle cards when working with it?

Love and Light and stuff...

Le Fanu

It's not tarot. It just happens to be 78 cards. No tie-in whatsoever with any tarot system even if you tried.

It's basically those holy cards. Very attractive if you like that sort of things. Just images of saints with numbers 1-78 in the top corners.

You can draw them and be inspired by the themes of the saint, what he or she protects. I actually use mine for drawing lottery numbers (I love decks with numbers on the cards for that reason). With this deck I won (a few small amounts) on a number of occasions, then switched to another deck and haven't won since. :D

I am not Catholic and don't identify with any of its creed but I have always like the artwork of these holy cards, sort of dreamy and violent, kitsch and brutal at the same time.

It's funny but I do quite like it...



Thank you! Very helpful. I might get that deck and just play around... see what works for me and what doesn't... That's usually how I do things: I see a style or artwork that really speaks to me - sticks in my craw, you might say - and then I can't get it out of my head. :)