wedding bells?


does anyone know how marriage vows would show up in a reading? I'm very curious to know; in one book the Hieroph and the Lovers together are supposed to symbolize that, but it seems to simplistic.
Any ideas?



Wouldn't you think that a nice, straight forward question would have a nice simple answer?

But, alas, a moment's thought suggests endless questions and complexity.

Thing is, you always come to a fork in the road. Are you going to turn left, or right?

Perhaps I'm wrong. We'll see what folks say.



Quote:daisy (26 Aug, 2001 03:08):
does anyone know how marriage vows would show up in a reading? I'm very curious to know; in one book the Hieroph and the Lovers together are supposed to symbolize that, but it seems to simplistic.
Any ideas?
not offhand, but i'd hope i'll recogize it when i see it...
luv and light,


Possibly 2-Cups, 4-Wands, Ace-Wands, Ace-Cups as well as the combination of Majors you mentioned. Though the minors referred to may stand alone, surrounding cards need to be addressed in relation to the card(s) in question since those cards have other meanings that differ according to the particular reading.


a card that makes me think of marriage or relationships going well is the 10 of cups.


This I found funny, when I read a book on Tarot once : The author said that the Debil was about bondage and being tied down, so it was actually a good omen for marriage! I'm not so sure though... It may indicate great sex ;p but I'm not sure marriage could be classed under the Devil's interpretations!




Well, that depends on the marriage now doesn't it???? :D

Rhiannon :)

P.S. I see the 4 of wands as indicating a happy marriage. I just love the huppah (sp?) in that card.


the suggestion I can give you is what follows:
according to the symbolism of Kabbalah, which informs the whole Deck, the image of the Universal Balance is the symbol of the equilibrium based on the perfect couple... the perfect union between man and woman as written in the Song of Songs.
Card number VIII, JUSTICE, where the focus is actually on the balance as the instrument of the Blind Angel is, thus, the card which announces the wedding bells, especially if accompanied by number XVII, LE TOULE, The Source in the original Tarot de Marseille, where Venus herself announces true love.
I hope I've been useful.

La Dama de Noche


Rhiannon: I agree about the 4 of Wands, and usually it is the only card in the deck which I would take to mean marriage, esp. a happy one...
