What are your most favorite Tarot cards?


Mine are:
The Magician
The Hermit

Magicus Textor

The Star
To me, the Star is the Great Mother, Goddess in Her purest, most nurturing. This card has come up in several situations now when it stood for guidance, that God is with me. Very comforting.

The Magus
Who i want to be. Complete control over my elements, command of magic, of reality. My username means "Magic Weaver."

Tarot Orat

My significators are the Queen of Swords and the 9 of Pentacles. I try not to judge a deck by them, but if I really don't like the way either or both is rendered I tend not to use the deck much.

Favorite to see in a reading, is a little different. Because I'm in recovery, the "letting go" cups cards resonate in a deep and overall positive way (5 and 8 of cups especially). The Star is another big positive.

In terms of artwork, a lot of artists get really inventive with their 7 of Cups; that one is always interesting to look at!