What if the question answers something else..


Has anyone ever ran into this.. I had a reading done bya very trusted professional.. someone I have been going to for 9 years.. and well I had asked her a que3stion about a person.. and she gave me the reading.. after the reading I reflected on the question and the answers she gave me - and it is identical to me and my ex.. straight down to the personality characteristics of him .. and our sexual history ... now my question was not about my ex! It was about another guy.. I am wondering if I was subconciously thinking about my ex .. if the reading could have been picked up those vibes?
anyone have any experience with this??
thanks :) jen


ER ---

Well ----

This usually happens to ME when I am reading for myself and I would really rather NOT see what the cards just said - but since they are so OBVIOUSLY talking about my OTHER issue that I didn't ask about and.....

....which is why I rarely read for myself ! :|

Two options: a) look at yourself honestly to see if that's what you are doing or b) go back to the same reader and ask if this is possible.

If she says not, revisit a) ;)

le fey

Agreed and will add that maybe you want to take a look at what patterns are repeating themselves in your relationships. Perhaps what you can *see* when it comes to your ex is something you can't see regarding the other person.


Although I agree with both other replies I do also think it's possible that you are subconsciously reflecting your unhealed feelings about your ex onto your current relationship and this could be why the answers pointed to your past rather than your present, or even for the question to have been asked by the subconscious mind being different to the conscious question and the reading reflection the subconscious one. With so many possible reasons I would get another reading done to find out!


This has happened to me before, you're not alone in that...

It made me think of the book, "Ask and It Is Given" -- the whole concept of putting our wants/desires out there into the universe, but if our intent does not match, if our energy is still on our old wavelength and we do not match up to what it is we want, then we will usually only get back what we match. I hope I made sense of that, or that you know what I'm trying to say!

Possibly this may be working with your question you put out for the cards to match back?

I also agree that it could be a pattern you are repeating in the relationship department, though that could also coincide with the energy matching concept. You are attracting what you put out energy wise.


I find readings will pull up what you most need to hear about, which may have been your ex on that day.

Or perhaps, it deliberately reminded you of your ex in case your current relationship or a future relationship is in danger of going down the same path?