What is an accurate reading?

House of Tarot

Hello All,

I've read some posts that state that a reader is getting accurate readings with a particular deck - but what does "getting an accurate reading" mean? This is a tough question - all insight would be greatly appreciated. Happy 2006.


Alex Ferrate


I never think of an 'accurate' reading...i prefer to think of an insightful one.

I'd consider an accurate reading one that has provided the right answer...lets say, the sitter asked what shouls he change to make his life better. You did a reading and it said that he should change his job, because the one he is in won't allow him to grow and he'll eventually get sick of it...and it turns out to be right. Then the sitter calls you and says "wow! your reading was so accurate!".

I hope that wasn't confusing.

But, as i said, i prefer to think of an insightful reading...more than being accurate or perfect, it's the one that actually helps the sitter. That gives food for thoughts, insights...even if it doesn't give a straight and clear answer, it makes the querent think. Makes him notice things he had never thought about, accept different ways of seeing the situation, consider new choices...etc.

This is just my opinion of course. I hope this helped ,anyway :)



Here is part of the letter I send to online querents when they ask me to read for them. I hope this helps explain my position on 'accuracy.'

Are readings always accurate?

Nine times out of ten you will receive information about your past or present and you will be amazed that someone who doesn't even know you can see that. You can easily judge a person's accuracy by how clearly they seem to be turned into your life or your situation as it is. But, when it comes to the part of the reading that reveals your manifesting future, this will be governed by choices you have yet to make. It is important to understand that while 'what is meant to be' will come to pass, as we live our lives we arrive at forks in our road that we may opt to explore or simply bypass. Many factors influence our decision about which way to go, but which direction we ultimately turn in is not always predetermined. Here is an example:

You receive a reading and among other things, you are told you will adopt a puppy, but the puppy would be a source of grief. A week or so later a friend offers you a puppy. You love animals and would gladly accept this gift, but because of the reading you decline the offer. A few weeks pass and your friend drops by to see you. You ask about the puppy and they become upset and tell you the puppy had distemper and had to be put to sleep. The only reason the tears shed for the puppy are theirs and not yours is because you decided not to adopt it.

Does this mean the reading was not accurate?

The value of a reading is that it presents situations in their entirety so that you can respond to them more productively. While some things are 'meant to be', most of our lives are shaped by our own FREE WILL - choices yet to be made and actions yet to be taken. Tarot is not written in stone. The future is affected by decisions we make every minute. If you find your future is not as bright as you would like, use your reading to take steps to change it for the better!


Interesting question...

((First off.. hey everyone! Im back... again... It's been a while... But it's all good...))

I think this is a great question, because you're right - How can you deem a reading "accurate" when it comes down to personal interpretation...

Ive always said that Tarot "doesn't predict the future" - It gives you insight into the paths you can take to make something happen... So, instead of saying "when will I meet my boyfriend" you need to ask "what do I have to do in order to meet my boyfriend..."

If it was as simple as "When will I meet my boyfriend" and the reading said "next month" - And that actually came to pass - Then you could say it definitely was an accurate reading...

But, of course - This is not the case, and Tarot works more intricately than that... In my opinion, an accurate reading depends on the querants ability to be open to the experience - To be open to the lessons and the messages coming through - If they think and apply themselves to what's coming through, then any reading could be "accurate" when you think about it - But if they're putting walls up, or not willing to accept something... or not willing to be open, then nothing could be "accurate"...

Strange, I dunno if Im even making sense...

That being said... There have definitely been readings where Ive looked at the cards and thought "Nope... this isn't the answer to what they want..." - In that case, I tell them straight out - I'll tell them there are things here that don't relate to what they want to know, and I'll ask them if they want to me continue anyway, or try again with a reshuffle...

Ultimately, I think an accurate reading really depends on the querant, not the reader...

House of Tarot

Another way to look at it . . . .

These are all fascinating responses. Another way to look at this is to ask: what does divination mean in the context of reading tarot cards? For example:

1. Channelling psychic ability to predict future events before they occur. Accurate reading = predicting the occurrence of the event (but not necessarily its meaning to the querent).

2. Identifying likely outcomes to the querent's situation and assisting the querent to identify a preferred course of action. Accurate reading = the querent's satisfaction with his or her preferred course of action.

3. Identifying the querent's disposition to act in a particular situation and assisting the querent to identify a (morally?) preferred course of action. Accurate reading = perhaps we should leave this one alone.

4. Assisting the querent to identify his or her situation. Accurate reading = one that enables the querent to better understand his or her situation so he or she make decisions based on his or her values, experience, etc.

Just food for thought - your mind can tie itself in a knot with these types of questions.


Alex Ferrate


House of Tarot said:
These are all fascinating responses. Another way to look at this is to ask: what does divination mean in the context of reading tarot cards? For example:

1. Channelling psychic ability to predict future events before they occur. Accurate reading = predicting the occurrence of the event (but not necessarily its meaning to the querent).

2. Identifying likely outcomes to the querent's situation and assisting the querent to identify a preferred course of action. Accurate reading = the querent's satisfaction with his or her preferred course of action.

3. Identifying the querent's disposition to act in a particular situation and assisting the querent to identify a (morally?) preferred course of action. Accurate reading = perhaps we should leave this one alone.

4. Assisting the querent to identify his or her situation. Accurate reading = one that enables the querent to better understand his or her situation so he or she make decisions based on his or her values, experience, etc.

Just food for thought - your mind can tie itself in a knot with these types of questions.


Alex Ferrate

I think many people on this forum would say that #4 is what they mean by accurate. This is in part because, as others have said, being able to identify present or past actions can be done and weighed as true or false. The future is difficult, and as Tarobear points out, not set in stone. I think #2 would describe what some people do quite well. There are some who can do #1, but it is difficult.

Part of the problem is, of course, that a future event or situation can be predicted, but how an individual gets to that point, and what the event actually looks like when it happens, can make things difficult to see as accurate.



I have found that the accuracy of readings does not always depend on the querent's responses. They do not always have to tell me if a reading is accurate or not. There may be a querent for whom the reading breaches subjects that they are not ready to see, or face. However, you may find that the "feel" of the reading is there and you just know that it is "it".


This is a fascinating post, and I agree with lots that has been said on here, its particularly pertinent to me, because I offer all my clients a moneyback guarantee if they are dissatisfied with my accuracy. Obviously this is wide open to my clients interperation of what is accurate? Usually I say something like I may tell you things you may find difficult hear, but when you are judging my accuracy, I would like you to bear in mind, if I am correct about your present and recent past situations, then you should take this to be an accurate reading. I always do cold readings, I only ever ask their name, and if its a telephone reading their hair colour (for the significator card). So far I have not had to give one refund! :) however, I am expecting it to happen sometime!

House of Tarot

Most interesting from the reader's perspective

Rogan's and closrapexa's comments hint at the challenge of determining "accuracy" from the reader's perspective (if I haven't misinterpreted their comments): the reading may "be" right when it "feels" right. Perhaps impossible to prove or disprove, but it would be interesting to learn what "feels right" means to different readers. Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences,

Alex Ferrate