What should I do to get that job?



So there is this amazing job I'm trying to get.

For advices for "What should I do to get that job?" I've pulled:
Hanged Man, Knight of Pent, Wheel

I feel like the Hanged Man and the Wheel are saying that things are already set or decided. I know that the Hanged Man can be undecisive, but here I rather see him as being stuck in the fate - the Wheel is already turning. The Knight is moving and Pentacles are money, but being surrounded by the other 2 cards I feel like the Knight is being crushed by the two. On one hand the Hanged Man who's stuck there still and on the other than the Wheel which I feel is turning.

My honest impression is that I should just keep moving like the Knight, but that Ican't do much to change the fate?


I feel like the hanged man is telling you to have patience. Yes the knight of pentacles suggests movement, but the hanged man tells you to be calm and hold off the anxiety, no matter what you do. The wheel of fortune says that things are already in motion and you may not have a lot of control over this - which again, brings me back to the hanged man, asking you to be calm, collected and very assertive when it comes to this job.

The wheel of fortune being in the middle could also mean that while things are already in motion, there's still a part you can play in it, and the knight of pentacles suggests that.

Overall, to me, this says "wait for the right opportunity." It will arise and you will be called to motion, and that's when you should act.


I feel like the hanged man is telling you to have patience. Yes the knight of pentacles suggests movement, but the hanged man tells you to be calm and hold off the anxiety, no matter what you do. The wheel of fortune says that things are already in motion and you may not have a lot of control over this - which again, brings me back to the hanged man, asking you to be calm, collected and very assertive when it comes to this job.

The wheel of fortune being in the middle could also mean that while things are already in motion, there's still a part you can play in it, and the knight of pentacles suggests that.

Overall, to me, this says "wait for the right opportunity." It will arise and you will be called to motion, and that's when you should act.

Hi Migdal, thanks for your input!

The Wheel wasn't actually in the middle, just on the right from the Knight which was in the middle. I still agree with your interpretation about patience. Maybe it's not the feeling of being stuck as I thought, but just pausing, though not stopping completely.

Looking for the right timing sounds very valid too - the Knight is mlving towards the Wheel, that definitely seems accurate to me. Things are indeed moving now, but I have to wait until they actually call me to see them (I haven't yet been told which day).

Do you think I should do another reading after I find out when it is to get a clearer answer on the approach and these cards are picking on something different than the actual approach how to succeed?


Oh if the knight is actually moving towards the wheel, that is indeed movement, created by you! It's as if the wheel is saying "hey I'm just waiting for you to make that move".

I think second readings are always very valid - specially if you give some time, like a week or so, you can always get new insights/information. In other words, yes, do it! :) Hope you get this job, rooting for you!


I see two strong themes and you might understand more how they apply, but the HM and knight are both showing patience, holding back from charging forward, and the knight and WoF are about cycles and things coming around again.

I don't want to be a party pooper but I almost feel like this might not be the right moment for you in this job, or there's something about it that isn't exactly right for you.. You need to look at it from another angle somehow..

Yes the knight moves but in this picture he's stationary, and he is the slowww knight.. HM next to him is like, really putting the brakes on things

You sound really enthusiastic though so I wish you the best, a better job is a great thing, good luck


Oh if the knight is actually moving towards the wheel, that is indeed movement, created by you! It's as if the wheel is saying "hey I'm just waiting for you to make that move".

I think second readings are always very valid - specially if you give some time, like a week or so, you can always get new insights/information. In other words, yes, do it! :) Hope you get this job, rooting for you!

I'm still waiing for them to confirm the day of the interview, so I'll take the time. Maybe this is the movement - it's still in my hands?


I see two strong themes and you might understand more how they apply, but the HM and knight are both showing patience, holding back from charging forward, and the knight and WoF are about cycles and things coming around again.

I don't want to be a party pooper but I almost feel like this might not be the right moment for you in this job, or there's something about it that isn't exactly right for you.. You need to look at it from another angle somehow..

Yes the knight moves but in this picture he's stationary, and he is the slowww knight.. HM next to him is like, really putting the brakes on things

You sound really enthusiastic though so I wish you the best, a better job is a great thing, good luck

Hello! I also get this feeling of blockage, I wasn't sure what was it. Maybe movement happening around, but me not being able to react? Maybe I don't have enough knowledge to navigate this or to make the most of this opportunity?