What spread for a querent asking "Will I have more children?"


I have someone I am doing a reading for asking if they will have more children? I haven't answered a question like it before, so am wondering anyone can suggest a particular spread for me for that topic?

Thanks :)



For this type of question I use a spread that I am pretty sure came from the book Tarot: Get the Whole Story by James Ricklef (my books are packed up right now, otherwise I'd go check). I don't remember what he called it, but I call it "If and When."

Shuffle and cut as normal, then pull ten cards and lay them in a row (you may need to make two rows if your table isn't very wide). Then look for the cards you feel would answer the "if" part of the question. For me in your case it would be all the Pages, 10 of Cups, 10 of Pentacles, 6 of Cups. If one or more of those cards shows up, the answer is yes, the energy exists for this to take place (but of course the outcome is not set in stone as we have free will).

The position of the significant card or cards in the draw signifies how close in time the event is likely to occur, and cards leading up to the significant card(s) show what will or needs to take place prior to the event occurring.

If no cards show up that would signify a "yes" to the question, I would then go on to a different spread such as a Celtic Cross to see what might be blocking the achievement of the desired goal and what the querent can do to change things. In my practice, for example, I have read for several women who were having a difficult time getting pregnant but who did become pregnant after working with their ancestors.

ETA: Strangely, I just found that this is one of two Tarot books I had not in fact packed away, but that was sitting about three feet away from me when I first responded. It looks like Mr. Ricklef called this the "Variable Timing Spread" and in the illustration he uses five cards, but says that the actual number of cards is up to the reader's intuition. I always use ten.


Thank you for posting this spread. It's versatile and can be used for any significant event we would like to enquire about.

Do we *have* to decide in advance which cards will show up to indicate yes, or can we just see what cards show up and interpret them then?


Thank you for posting this spread. It's versatile and can be used for any significant event we would like to enquire about.

Do we *have* to decide in advance which cards will show up to indicate yes, or can we just see what cards show up and interpret them then?

You are welcome, LisaStarlight! I do find that I use this spread quite often.

Personally, while I leave room to interpret the cards that come up, I usually have specific cards that I look for. In your example, I would be looking for cards that indicate pregnancy or children, which for me are the Pages, The Empress, Queen of Pentacles, Nine of Pentacles, and The Sun. If none of those showed up, I would most likely feel that the answer to your querent's question would be no, and at that point we could go on to a different spread that may give information as to possible courses of action.


Thank you.

Hi Appolonia, and I'm so sorry for offering you my thanks over a year later... Thank you for answering my question - what you've said makes a lot of sense; look for cards that indicate the event we're enquiring about because if they're not there, then that's a no. Very simple, very clear.
Thank you!