What to do? What to do?


I received my wonderful II Meneghello limited edition Il Tarocco di Besançon this morning. It has two (2) slips ... one says 480/1000, and the other, 481/1000. While this does add a soupçon of uniqueness to my copy, my annoyingly honest soul wonders whether it would be better to post one of them to Il Meneghello?

What do you guys think? Do I keep it, feel horrifyingly guilty, but have an 'original', or do I send it back and feel balanced?

mythos:) who knows what she should do .... but ....})


I vote for 'send it back and feel balanced.'

:love: Marion


Meneghello must have been having a bad time with that particular edition or they were partying very hard :laugh: because I remember my Besançon came with two Strength cards glued to each other with yellow sealing wax.....and someone else here mentioned something else strange with their deck...........


If you feel guilty, then send it back, otherwise a nasty feeling is going to be nagging away at you everytime you think or see those cards.

The crowned one

Just email Meneghello and ask if he wants it back, and while you are at it ask him what number your deck is intended to be.


Email sounds like a good plan. My Besancon has writing in pencil on several of the Cups. It doesn't come off with an eraser so I figure it's supposed to be there.


The email idea sounds good. I was just at Tarot Garden and discovered that they list the deck as a limited edition of 1000 + 100 ... Suggests that many an error was made in the process.
