What type of spread should I use?


Hi, I'm trying to figure out what kind of spread would be best for a particular reading. I have a friend, who I am worried about, because she hasn't shown up to school in 2 days, and I have no way to contact her. I need to find out if she is OK. Can anyone suggest a spread? Thanks


:-( No One? I have a bad feeling something bad may have happened to my friend. Can anyone help me and suggest a spread for me?


Hi FlashFighter

Have a look in the Spreads Index.

I can't think of a specific one, but I'll have a look too and post a link here if I find one. Of course, you don't need one specifically for this subject you could use any spead like CC or just say five cards in a row with no positions. Check out the index anyway.

Can anyone else help with a specific one?



Thanks Moonbow, I had already checked, and couldn't really find one for this kind of situation. I did what you suggested, and layed out 5 cards with no position meanings. I am not liking what I see :-(.

King of Pentacles- I see an earth sign man. Possibly her current boyfriend, though I am not sure of his sign.

The 9 of Swords- Despair, anxiety, nightmarish conditions.

2 of Swords- a clash, turning back on emotions, indeciscion,

The Devil- Abusive conditions, The inability to let go

The Knight of Pentacles- I'm kind of stuck as to where this one fits... I will post this to the readings forum.....

I have a bad feeling about this.....


FlashFighter said:
I have a bad feeling about this.....
Any word about your friend?


None yet :-(

If I don't hear from her by the end of this weekend, and if she is not on class on Monday, then I will check with one of our Professors and see if he can try to get the school to contact her.


Hi FlashFighter,

I've just seen this thread. I hope your friend is okay.

It occurred to me that you could just do a simple 3-card spread, based on the issue-advice-outcome positions, but adapt the positions slightly to suit your needs, i.e.

1 - What do I need to know about the reason for my friend's absence?
2 - What can I do to help my friend?
3 - How will this situation resolve in the near future?

At the very least, this will give you a starting point. I don't know about you, but trying to do readings without using position meanings tends to get me even more confused than when I started!

Please let us know how this turns out.

Kind thoughts,



Pipistrelle said:
Hi FlashFighter,

I've just seen this thread. I hope your friend is okay.

It occurred to me that you could just do a simple 3-card spread, based on the issue-advice-outcome positions, but adapt the positions slightly to suit your needs, i.e.

1 - What do I need to know about the reason for my friend's absence?
2 - What can I do to help my friend?
3 - How will this situation resolve in the near future?

At the very least, this will give you a starting point. I don't know about you, but trying to do readings without using position meanings tends to get me even more confused than when I started!

Please let us know how this turns out.

Kind thoughts,


Well, still no word from her, but I did as you suggested.....

1 - What do I need to know about the reason for my friend's absence? The Hermit

2 - What can I do to help my friend? 10 of Pentacles (Hmm, this card came up when I did a one card reading as to what I can do to help)

3 - How will this situation resolve in the near future? Page of Cups

The cards are saying to me is that possibly the situation that she is in with her boyfriend, has caused her to retreat and spend some time alone to collect her thoughts and contemplate on what she is to do.

The 10 of Pentacles is saying to me that she either needs money, or more likely, a safe, secure place where she can stay, where the boyfriend can't find her.

The Page of Cups either refers to her young son, or something else... not quite sure.... I'll post this in the readings secion