"What's my line?" 6-card spread


"What's my line?" 6-card spread for the stuck

Hi all, this is the first time I share a spread I made myself.

It is designed to give an overview over a situation, and a way to get back on track if you're stuck and indecisive or don't know what to do next.

I call it "What's my line?" :)

If you decide to try it out I'd be very happy if you tell me what you think, what works for you and what doesn't and so on.
It is meant to encourage spontaneous and intuitive reading in a light-hearted way. That's why my card descriptions are very open. But please ask if you find them TOO open and unclear.

Background: I occasionally do improvisation theatre as a hobby, so the metaphor here is life as an improvised play where we all are actors (but we are at the same time co-writers and directors, if we want to!). Sometimes we shine like the stars we are, but a lot of the time it feels like we just mumble, stumble, lose track, miss cues and have no idea what's going on... (or at least that's how I feel... hopefully you don't :) )

But in impro, you can't stop and dwell too long – you have to keep moving to keep things going. And sometimes you might need a gentle little push to get back in the flow again.

And sometimes it's like that in life too, and that's what this spread is for.

What's my line?

The order you lay out the cards is important but the positions are not, so you can arrange them as you like.

Card 1: The Title of the Play (What is this play called?)

...or the overall theme. Meaning, if this part of your life was a play in a theatre, this is what would be on the poster. It can refer to the main character of the play, a place, or something symbolic. It might be very simple and straightforward – but it might also not be immediately obvious what it refers to. A title can also be ironic, of course. But it always carries importance. Maybe the meaning is not entirely clear until you've read all the other cards.

Card 2: The Stage (Where are we/what is this about?)

The circumstances. The stage decorations and props that will tell you where this part of the story is set.
This card should hint at the area of life that the reading is about, a mental or a physical place. For example, if it is 5 Coins it might be about the sorry state of your financial matters, if it is Knight of Wands it might hint at someplace far away. If it reminds you of your mom it might be at home or regarding your family.

Card 3: Your co-stars in this story (Who are the others?)

The other people that you are interacting with in this part of your life, their role or roles. What they bring into the mix, what part they are playing, maybe how you see them in relation to yourself.

Card 4: Your character or role (Who am I?)

This is what you bring into the mix in this moment. What is important to know in this particular situation – what you have to work with, strengths, weaknesses, attitudes, assets and so on. Maybe the outward persona you are putting on, what you let others see.

Card 5: The Situation (What's happening?)

When you and your co-stars are thrown together, this is what's happening or going to happen – where the "story" most likely is heading next. It's somewhere in between "situation right now" and "close future".
(Remember life is a play with a lot of room for personal improvisation, so if you don't like where it looks to be heading, you can try to figure out a way to move events in another direction.)

And now that the stage is set, all people have taken their places, and you know the general direction where events are heading, it's time to whisper…

Card 6: "What's my line?"

A suggestion of a possibly useful "something" you can do or an approach to take.

And if you need to clarify this – because maybe you think the suggestion is really bad, or you don't get what it is you're supposed to do or how to go about it – you can pull one last (optional) card if you need it:

Card 7 (optional): ...a hint from the acting coach! ;)

Meaning: an alternative option to go with, or a clue how to unlock card 6.

Enjoy! :)