Wheel of fortune - all in the attitude?

Reina de Copas

I've been getting the Wheel of fortune almost daily since right on the New Year. It falls in either the environment (number8) of the Celtic Cross, or the outcome. I've noticed, though, that if I allow my feelings to go into negativity, it disappears. (I had a blazing business idea that is coming together very quickly). This made me wonder - does the wheel of fortune depend entirely on how we ourselves feel? Obviously our feelings affect our actions, so I can see this is at least partly true - but my perception of this card has shifted from it being largely external forces at work to us working with our own fate. I wondered what others thought?


If you believe that every creature, every thing is connected, then no, the Wheel of Fortune doesn't entirely depend on our feelings which are linked to a bigger web.

I often give to the Wheel of Fortune a meaning of cyclicity and movement, and to me that includes the whole system of living and non living. Maybe it is a side that you start perceiving through your spreads.

When you think of it, a wheel always needs some external energies to spin. It can be water, wind, a physical push, etc.

Reina de Copas

I believe very much in interconnection, and I agree regarding cycles...I perhaps shouldn't have used the word 'entirely'. In many ways it feels like the same thing though ... As if fate presents us with opportunity yet it is up to us to grasp them - and believe in them. I used to feel this was such a positive card, but the past year has taught me that the wheel has sometimes moved on before we even had a chance to realise it was moving. I can be a little wary of it these days.


I see what you mean. Indeed, changes can be a bit scary but i think you should keep your positive opinion about the Wheel of Fortune.

You have all the keys to adapt and go through events you deem uncomfortable, i hope things will be ok for you.

Reina de Copas

That is really kind of you. Sorry - I meant to keep this focused on the card rather than my stuff! I just do find it one of the more intriguing in the deck ... I can never get rid of the image of the Norns down by the well of Yggdrasil, spinning away ...


No worries, tarot and our own history are linked, that's why we use them most of time, don't you agree ?

That's an interesting story you've attached to this card.


I've been getting the Wheel of fortune almost daily since right on the New Year. It falls in either the environment (number8) of the Celtic Cross, or the outcome. I've noticed, though, that if I allow my feelings to go into negativity, it disappears. (I had a blazing business idea that is coming together very quickly). This made me wonder - does the wheel of fortune depend entirely on how we ourselves feel? Obviously our feelings affect our actions, so I can see this is at least partly true - but my perception of this card has shifted from it being largely external forces at work to us working with our own fate. I wondered what others thought?

I usually think of the Wheel as something external, but if it's referring to the sudden materialization of your business plans, then it could refer to you. Are you getting a lot of Swords cards? Sounds like you have been thinking about it a lot. Usually, I would say, that the Wheel of Fortune outcome is external, something happening outside of you. I would be patient and see what happens... That said, if your emotions are running up and down, as you suggested that you are indulging in negativity, the Wheel could also just refer to your changeability, perhaps. The Wheel is definitely one of those wait-and-see cards :O)


Attitude is everything... no matter what the circumstances are. It may not mean that even with a good attitude things are hunky-dory or going to improve, but it's easier to get through the downs if you aren't focused on the negative things going on. So when the Wheel appears when you are having a hard time and feeling negative thoughts, it's just to let you know things aren't going to stay this way forever and to look up, better times are ahead. Try to see things from another point of view, focus on what is important and keep yourself centered, rather than letting your feelings and attitude spin out of control.