Wheel of Fortune


I hate to make another thread about soul and personality cards, but what does Wheel of Fortune tell you as a personality card? I know it means a person can be changeable, even to extremes, but not much more than that...


How about lucky? Feeling like you do have a lot of luck going for you, like you were born under a lucky star? Enjoying the moment, because you are aware of the fragility of time and circumstance... being aware that for the grace of God go I? It think it would be someone who tries to keep things in balance, so as to prevent falling from the top, not wanting to rock the boat maybe. (or the wheel) But it could be someone who is centered and goes with the flow, so that the turn of the wheel keeps them centered, seeing all sides, rather than being tossed from it. So I would think this would be an optomistic personality, seeing the cup half full and being philosophical about it, knowing what goes up must come down and also having faith that it will turn around and things will get good again.

It could also point to a personality that has a lot of ups and downs, highs and lows. It could also be someone who doesn't trust good luck to last when it's good, but can find the bright spots when it's bad.

The crowned one

Living in harmony with all life(adaptability) and a new soul or young soul. It a pretty good card. :)


I'm a 10-1, with a Wheel personality, so I've often pondered this. It's kind of hard to be objective about your own personality, but people have told me that I'm one of those people who always seems calm, no matter what's going on. I guess you could call it equanimity; I recognize that nothing stays the same, and I adapt to change well. Not much throws me.

The shadow card for 10-1s is The Sun, which to me shows equanimity taken a shade too far. A tendency to be a bit of a pollyanna and to think everything's hunky-dory when it's really not.

I'm really curious to hear what others might think about this....



elysgrl said:
I'm a 10-1, with a Wheel personality, so I've often pondered this. It's kind of hard to be objective about your own personality, but people have told me that I'm one of those people who always seems calm, no matter what's going on. I guess you could call it equanimity; I recognize that nothing stays the same, and I adapt to change well. Not much throws me.

The shadow card for 10-1s is The Sun, which to me shows equanimity taken a shade too far. A tendency to be a bit of a pollyanna and to think everything's hunky-dory when it's really not.

I'm really curious to hear what others might think about this....


Interesting because I am the same, a Magician, Sun, Wheel. I would say that I"m the opposite to how you describe yourself. I am somewhat anxiety driven, worrying about small things but not the big ones. I tend to take big risks, ride the wheel and trust in luck. As a Magician, I'm into communication, especially writing but need to communicate my feelings in some way and today i was writing them down. The Sun is how my outlook should be. I should trust the Wheel more, trust myself more and be more confident in all aspects so maybe it's something I need to develop in myself more.

Think about you as this is personal and how you express yourself through the Wheel.


What everyone said is so enlightening!
I'm also the Magician, Wheel of Fortune, and The Sun and I'm a worry wort as well:D
My life has really been a blessing with all the ups and down, and it figures into the person I am.
I express my creative side through the Magician, the Sun just tells me that all that was depressing & sad as a youngster is behind me, and I've always made the best of whatever BS get thrown my way.
Yes, the glass is definitely more full than empty:thumbsup:


Thank you for all you input, it really helped me. I used to adapt to the change around me but the last few years I've been a broken Wheel, resisting change. I kept wondering how I could relate to the Magician since I don't consider myself eloquent at all. I will try to figure out how I relate.


Another one

Happy to find this thread and not have to start it myself !
I'm also a Wheel of fortune personality, with a Magician soul...
Well... kind of confused about them as well, and I don't see what else has been said resonating with me too well.

I take the wheel of fortune to mean the passing of time-- that is one of my big life lessons-- time and situations passing by and learning to let go of them. May turn up meaning something else in the long run. I actually like this card for personality-- it appeals to me, although I wish I was another! Personality wise, the wheel of fortune may mean someone changeable, able to adapt to different situations easily. Not sure how true that is for me though :p Maybe the opposite- has difficulty adapting to changing situations, since the personality card does refer to lessons to be learned.

Interestingly, I asked the tarot who I would be in 10 years, just for the heck of it-- and the Magician reversed came up! Oh gosh!
My soul card manifesting itself in the worst qualities?
Magician as a soul card-- perhaps someone who knows how to make the best of situations, or knows how to turn them around? Probably a clever person...

Does everyone with a WoF personality and Magician Soul have a Sun shadow? Confused on how to find this one... the shadow...


cutiecutie said:
Does everyone with a WoF personality and Magician Soul have a Sun shadow? Confused on how to find this one... the shadow...

I just add all the numbers in my date of birth and then it's like a package deal, lol.
1+9+8+1=19/10/1...The Sun, Wheel of Fortune, The Magician