When the devil means...A DEVIL!


Oooookay, so i'm a copycat ;)

Today i did a reading for my mother about her job and the Devil showed up. Instead of seeing the 'book meanings', another idea popped immediately into my head: the devil was a real life devil!

No, not the religion-related devil :D! I mean, the devil was a person who could make my mother's life a living hell if she allowed so or did what this person didn't want her to do. As soon as i saw the card, i forgot completely all that deep-book-meanings and decided that card meant that, if she did what she wanted to do (that definitely isn't what the 'devil-person' wants), the Devil would show his true face.
Oh yes, i was using my Hanson-Roberts, which has a not-so-ugly Devil. He even has a long hair (which helped me to read the card :p).

Has something like that ever happened to you? I mean...has the Devil simply showed up as a devilish person (for good or for bad)?

Mom knows a bit of tarot and when she saw the card, we both knew who the Devil was...we started laughin' :D :D :D



yes, I've gotten that before. an individual or group of people, a meeting, gathering. definitely. also an indication of potential personality clashes or problematic encounters, confrontational situations. it's been right on the mark each and every time.


Seeeee - that is the PERFECT example of intuitional reading! I love this story, Yuko! That's how I feel when I read my cards. Each day, each card could mean something new. It's all about the situation, the querent, the question, the deck itself, just everything involved.

I'm a firm believer that the intuitional readings have a special uniqueness about them, a truth that can't be found elsewhere....if you knew, and your querent knew (mother or not) then that's EXACTLY what it was trying to announce under the present conditions.

Very good, very good!!



You know, LixiPixi, for a long time i didn't trust my intuitive readings. But it's changing - i'm allowing my self to think outside the box, and has been helping me a lot :D

It's funny because the Devil sometimes scare people (specially when it's an ugly devil), even if you try to explain to them it's the Pagan Horned God, or not THAT Evil...but when you tell them: "do you know that guy who has the capability of converting your life into pure hell? HERE IS HE!"
And most of people can relate to that!

I guess intuitive readings make them more personal.



I know someone who I feel is "like a devil".
They wanted a reading once and the Devil was
the first card over. I looked up as they looked at
me with a smurk, I felt the evilness and then
started with the addictions and etc.
I'm not perfect, but it felt like their light (aura) was
a shadow overpowering me.

This thread is like an conformation for me that what
I felt that day was correct.

They are devilish but always ending up
smelling like a rose. The odds always come
out in their favour.

Thanks for the thread!


Yes! Not too long ago I did a reading with a friend of mine regarding how an event we were going to attend that night would go, and that pesky Devil came up in the Near Future position. I just knew it was indicating that a particular pain in the arse person was going to call. No sooner had I gone through maybe two more of the cards in the spread the phone rang. It was the Devil on the other end of the line. LOL


Yes. I was doing a reading for my best friend. He was asking about his job. And his boss was always on his case making his life miserable. A few people had had burnouts anyway and she seemed pretty generally hated.

Not only did she come up as the Devil card (and yes she was making his life at work Hell), but the image (Wheel of Change deck) showed the Devil sitting on the back a goat.

My friend is a Capricorn, so he was clearly the goat. And the card was saying (amongst other things) that he just wished she would get off his back.



Thanks everyone for sharing their stories. Helps me to think my idea wasn't totally off-the-wall. You know, i still have a bit of trouble when reading intuitively...i don't really trust what i see.
