When the Magician Drives the Chariot


Hi All,
I would love to read your comments on why I chase my tail (lists of things to get accomplished and nothing works out) whenever I pull the Magician + Chariot.
Is it that the Magician is a terrible driver, reckless? What is it about the willfullness of the Magician that makes the Chariot's efforts futile?

PS: This is just symbolism discussion, not a reading:)


I get a sense of "out of control" with your reading.

Do you read with reversals? I'm asking because I would associate non-control with a Chariot reversed. *shrug*

The Chariot is about forward movement, but in a carefully controlled fashion. If the driver is not skilled, he/she will run off the road and the horses will go in different directions (one is conscious, the other the unconscious).

The Magician...having everything you need to make things happen. But with all magic/magick, control is key. You need to focus on the object of your magick for the magick to be applied properly (spellwork, study, etc.). If the magick is sprayed around willy-nilly, it's not helpful to anyone and may well do more harm than good.

Maybe you're trying to make things happen but are you trying to make too many things happen at the same time? Are you being a jack of all trades and master of none? Specialization is a good thing sometimes...perhaps concentrate on one task and see it through before moving on to the next.

Just my $.02.



I always thought the charioteer of the chariot was more in control of his vehicle, but what your saying is that with the addition of the Magician the energy is scattered? Is that because the energy of the Magician is only a 1?


Yes, the Charioteer is in control, but he has to focus to maintain that control; especially because the conscious and the unconscious tend not to meld together naturally once we leave childhood.

The Magician also has to focus to bring all the elements together to form what he needs.

I said before that there may be a lack of control...but in thinking about this some more, there could be too much control due to too much focus. Or too much control could lead to a lack of control...like when you drop a bar of soap and try to grab it too tightly, then it spurts out of your hand and ends up anywhere but where you want it to go...and sometimes makes a bit of a mess.

I hope I'm making sense. My analogies tend to be off the wall sometimes. :D



Your analogy was perfect and well understood:) Thanks for your help.


LOL! I love this. Yes, it makes perfect sense. Think of the Magician, he presents all the tools to you: "You can do anything you want!" he essential says, "Be or go anywhere you want!" That's his magic after all, the magic of infinite possibilities. Now you put him behind the reins of the Chariot, which requires a single focus and ambition to get it where it's going...and what does the Magician say? "I could go anywhere? Here, there, over there, or over there...the possibilities are infinite!"

Not only are the horses getting mixed signals--one to go one way, the other another way--but when they manage to go in a direction, they're probably jerked and told to go in another direction, and another, as the magician changes his mind about how to get where he's going. Mind you, it's NOT that he doesn't know where he's taking the Chariot, it's just that he can see so MANY ways to get to that destination.

It's like telling someone with macrofocus, who sees only the big picture to microfocus on a single detail and ignore everything else...he can't. Or like telling someone who loves to multi-task to do only one thing...that no fun. The Magician is great, but he's Mercury--he wants to get things done fast, and he wants to do as many of those things as possible! Time's a wastin'! Cook a quick breakfast, write e-mails, call friends, glance at the morning paper, jot down appointments...and accept the applauds he's going to get for magically getting so much done. Now THERE is a magician! He doesn't want to be told to focus only on getting two disagreeable horses to go in only one direction to just one place. Where's the magic in that?

When you get these cards, the Magician is telling you that your mind is zig-zagging around from thing to thing, direction to direction, idea to idea, possibility to possibility; it's trying to go where it's going "magically" rather than focusing down and just getting there. There's no way that kind of thinking is going to get the chariot to where it's going.


Yes, Thirteen, that is exactly how it goes. And I never get anything done when these two play together:)


I just wanted to thank y'all for making me think about this. I love the idea of the two kinds of focus---the multi-tasking the Magician does requires careful focus as well, but of a different sort, a kind that is no use to the Chariot.

I am often frustrated when I have to do a 'Chariot' type thing, because I am very much the multi-tasker, the Jack of all trades, the 'Magician' energy. So, I tend to see the 'Chariot' as telling me to "FOCUS for once, berrieh!" So, your comments on this made a lot of sense to me and will definitely add a layer to each of these cards for me in future readings.


I'm really glad I saw this post, I pulled exactly these two cards for someone the other day and I was struggling with it a bit. Makes perfect sense now. Only trouble is, they had the 10 of Swords as the third card (the whole three cards were about how someone was at the moment) so I think they need to get a grip on those reins otherwise a crash is imminent!